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Alberto wasn't a big fan of kids, but he didn't mind watching them play and have fun. Unless, of course, they kept pestering him with endless questions about the sea and Vespas and gelato and literally everything else in the world. It felt as if he never caught a break, between fishing, teaching swimming lessons, and supervising the swimming beach.

"Mr. Alberto sir?" a small pink-orange sea monster tugged on his leg.

"Yes?" He responded, lolling his head to face her.

"Do you know someone called Luca Paguro?" she asked innocently, cocking her head slightly.

"Uhh..." Alberto's mind was suddenly thrown into the clouds, memories of Luca flooding back to him like a tsunami washing away a town.

"Sir?" the little sea monster poked his arm, knocking him back into reality.

"I do," Alberto responded, shrugging off the little girl's arm, "why?"

"Is he a sea monster?" She asked quickly, leaning in.

"Uhh- Yeah?" He gave her a quizzical look, "mind telling me wh-"

"OkaythanksmisterAlbertosir," she blurted quickly, then dove back into the water, sending a small wave over Alberto's whole body. Then she joined another small sea monster and two human kids, then the other sea monster shouted something like "told you!" and splashed both of the humans.

"Sure," he said dryly, shaking the water off.

A few minutes later, the little girl returned, "Sir?" She leaned in so her mouth was nearly touching Alberto's ear. He shuddered and listened to the little girl, "myfriendsandijustwannaletyouknowwetotallyshipyouguys," she whispered quickly and ran off again.

"Hey! Wait!" Alberto shouted after her, "what does ship mean!?" But the girl was long gone.

"Kids these days," he sighed to himself, then looked along the scale of the beach.

Suddenly, a memory of Luca reappeared, drifting his thoughts away from reality as he zoned out on the island in front of him.


"Luca!" Alberto turned around to face him.

It wasn't Luca, it was Massimo. "Time to go home, son." He said in his usual monotone voice.

"Okay," Alberto sighed. It was always his favorite part of the day to blow his whistle when the beach closed, but with the memory of Luca holding him down, he felt he could never be happy again. He blew his whistle loudly, "Out of the water! Beach closed!" He motioned everyone back towards the shore and watched as the little sea monsters hugged their human friends goodbye.

Massimo watched Alberto as they walked home, he seemed so sad. Massimo wanted to cheer him up but had no idea how. Perhaps the Pesto he made for dinner tonight would cheer him up? He should just ask.

"Alberto, what's wrong?" He asked, grabbing the keys to the house.

"Nothing, really. I just miss Luca," tears formed in Alberto's eyes and he sniffed.

Massimo bent down on his knee and placed a hand on Alberto's shoulder, "You'll see him soon, don't worry,"

"What?!" Alberto's face brightened almost instantly, and he put both of his hands on Massimo's.

"Winter break," Massimo responded cooly, unlocking and opening the door, "We don't do it usually, but Giulia's mother and I decided to switch things up this year if you'd like,"

"YES." Alberto nearly shouted, "I mean," he cleared his throat, "yes, please. That would be nice."

"Good, now why don't you get changed while I finish dinner," Massimo took off his hat and hung it up.

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