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Second to last chapter! Woohoo! I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction. If you have any specific quotes or Ocs you would like featured, now is your last chance! Just comment on this paragraph with your request!

Okay, before we begin, I would like you to know. I started writing this chapter, then hit a big writing block. So I decided to hit shuffle on my Spotify playlist and make a chapter of whatever song comes up; Fight or Flight by Conan Gray.


Time was running low; Luca only had a few days left before he had to go back to school. It made him sad, but Luca knew he and Alberto would definitely stay in touch, and maybe Luca would come back for spring break, too.

"Luca? Are you coming?" Alberto peeked his head through the door.

Luca was still trying to zip up his jacket, "Yeah- just a sec!" He said, trying and failing once again. Nearly everything on land had come naturally to him, except for zippers. He could never line them up right.

"Need help with that?" Alberto smiled and chuckled quietly, then took a step inside.

"It's not funny!" Luca said, irritated because of the zipper, "butsomeofyourhelpwouldbenice," he blurted quickly after.

"Okay," Alberto walked up in front of Luca, then grabbed Luca's unzipped jacket. He lifted the sides and began trying to zip Luca's coat.

Luca couldn't tell if it was actually taking forever, or if his overall embarrassment was stretching the time out. His cheeks began to glow red for an unknown reason as he looked up at Alberto trying to zip his jacket.

Alberto bit his lip, making Luca blush even harder, but then lined up the zippers perfectly and finished the job. He smiled, proudly, then looked back up at the blushing mess that was Luca.

Luca hid in the color of his jacket, "Thanks," he mumbled, trying to cover his blush.

Alberto smiled playfully, "what was that?" He pulled the color of Luca's jacket down and beamed smugly, "there, now try."

Luca blushed even harder, "What are you doing?!" He shouted, still embarrassed, and yanked himself away from Alberto, then hid in the color of his jacket again.

"Just having a little fun," Alberto shrugged, still smiling, and began walking out of the door.

Luca ran up next to him and grabbed his hand, "Wait for me!"

Alberto smiled smugly and continued walking out of the door, holding Luca's hand. They walked down the stairs to see Giulia, Massimo, and Grandma Paguro sitting at the table.

Luca dropped Alberto's hand and gawked at his grandmother, "Grandma? What are you doing here?" He ran across the room and sat down next to her.

"Oh, well your parents decided to come to town. So I thought I'd tag along. Massimo was kind enough to invite me over for breakfast," she said plainly, taking a bite of her breakfast.

"Okay-" Luca responded, somewhat confused, then took a sip of his water.

"And I'm fine if you and your boyfriend hold hands around me, no biggie."

Luca spat out the water he attempted to drink right onto Paguro, who was unfortunately on the table at the wrong time. Paguro hissed and jumped into Alberto's arms.

Alberto laughed, then set Paguro on the ground gently. Paguro was not pleased with this and simply jumped back into Alberto's lap, then glared at Luca with a look strong enough to kill.

Luca giggled nervously and focused on his food, but he could still feel the cat's murderous intent.

Both of the boys finished their breakfast hurriedly and grabbed their skates. Grandma Paguro looked at the pattern on Luca's skates and raised an eyebrow, "Where did you find those?"

"Uh- the ladies up the street let me borrow them?" Luca responded, walking out of the door, then stopping to listen to his grandmother.

"I gave them to some of my friends once, they said those colors were their favorite, so I painted them myself." She grabbed the skates, "when you return them, tell them I say hi, okay?"

"Sure!" Luca said quickly, then walked out of the door where Alberto was waiting.

"There you are! Let's go," Alberto grabbed Luca's hand and began walking towards the once-swimming-beach.

Luca smiled and followed along. Little did he know, Alberto had set up a surprise before he went home.


Hey guys! Sorry for the latest and shortest chapter yet :/

Good news though! The final chapter will be released tomorrow!

Seeya then! Ciao!

Oh, that reminds me, Ciao Albero is coming out on my birthday :D

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