~Epilogue 2~

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Random note: I wrote this before chapter 14 came out

I know that I made a different Epilogue, but I wanted my veteran fans [FrenchBaguette190] to see this, hope you enjoy!


Luca sighed as he stared at the small photo in his hands. After all eleven years, somehow, it was still intact.

The picture was the unmistakable photo of Luca and Alberto's first kiss. It was a little blurry, but, of course, he couldn't blame Giulia for that.

"LUCA! IT'S TIME!" Giulia burst in through a doorway, her smile nearly demonic with excitement.

Giulia was wearing a fine, black suit. After Luca decided to wear skirts, Giulia became quite fond of masculine fashion. So here she was; wearing a men's suit to one of the most important events in both of their lives.

"Okay," Luca chuckled, looking himself in the mirror once more. He was wearing a white suit with the fanciest skirt he had ever laid eyes on. He never could've afforded it without the help of Giulia, of course.

"Are you ready?" Giulia asked, still excited.

Luca turned back to her and picked up the bouquet of nice flowers laying on a table beside him. He smiled and turned to her, "I think so."

"Okay! Okayokayokay!!!! Be right back!" She said cheerfully, then vanished through the doorway once again.

To most people, this would be the most excited Giulia has ever been. But Luca would never ba able to forget the indescribable joy Giulia expressed on her own wedding day, when she was married to one of the lovely girls she met at university.

"Okay! It's really time now!" Giulia nearly shouted as she came by the doorway once again, "You ready, loverboy?"

"Yeah," Luca responded, aloof.

Giulia managed to contain her excitement to a decent level, but anyone could see the glint in her eyes. She reached her hand forward and hooked her arm with Luca's, smiling uncontrollably.

"I think I should get an award, I knew you two were canon when I first met you."

Luca smiled and giggled softly as he and Giulia stepped into the venue. It was set up in the middle of Portorosso, right next to the statue of "Smuca". Luca and Giulia walked directly behind the slightly older Aurora, who was absolutely beaming as she scattered white rose petals upon the courtyard.

Luca smiled at the crowd of people in front of him. They were all arranged in an array, with an aisle right down the middle. Luca recognized nearly all of the faces he could see; some of the fishermen Alberto always works with, and a few of the sea folk from his underwater home.

He could see his family in one of the front row seats, both of his parents nearly in tears as he walked down the aisle with his bestest friend. His grandmother, on the other hand, was smiling, even in her old age. She seemed happy enough to light an entire city with her joy.

On the other side of the aisle, holding Alberto's old cat, Paguro, (although he may have to change the name) was Massimo, holding a handkerchief and crying quiet tears of joy.

One of the things that surprised Luca most, however, was Guido and Cicco, sitting in one of the front rows and holding hands, smiling upon Luca as he made his way across the cobblestone street.

But, at the end of the aisle, was the whole reason Luca was here now. Standing there in his gorgeous black suit, nearly in tears as he watched Luca step closer to him, his hands crossed in front of him in a most polite way, was Alberto, Luca's very own groom. He was smiling, but not in an excited or happy way. He was smiling because he had finally ended up with the one he loved for decades, Alberto was smiling because he was in love.

Luca blushed lightly, his nerves beginning to kick in, as he took the steps up to the platform Alberto was on. Giulia let go of Luca's arm and sat down by her father and wife, after giving Luca a double thumbs-up.

After Luca had both of his feet planted firmly on the stage, Alberto took both of Luca's hands in his own. After noticing Luca's increased heart rate, he managed to whisper "Silenzio Bruno" quiet enough so nobody could hear. Luca smiled wide and looked into his lover's eyes as their superior began to speak their vows.

Luca's heart rate slowed down, but still beat hard as he and Alberto became husbands.

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