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The snow whirled around gently as Paguro jumped up on Alberto's bed. Alberto woke up with a groan, as per usual, along with some extra grunts due to the fact that Luca still wasn't home yet.

Paguro meowed loudly and pounced into Alberto's chest, then nuzzled his chin. Alberto sat up and proceeded to set Paguro down on the floor.

He crawled out of bed and changed into a warm outfit for his new job; an ice skating trainer? He wasn't sure, but that was what Massimo said last night. Perhaps Massimo thought it would cheer Alberto up to work with kids again, after all, he didn't mind watching them.

Alberto briefly remembered being taught how to skate, he wasn't sure if it was his mother or father who taught him because he was very young.

"Alberto?" Massimo walked in, "It just occurred to me, but do you know how to skate?"

"Yeah," Alberto said, dismissing the question with a wave of his hand, "I'm pretty much an expert."

"Good," Massimo said, holding out a pair of ancient skates, "these were gifted to us by a friend up the street, I hope they fit."

Alberto took the smelly ice skates and smiled awkwardly, "I'm sure they'll be fine," he half-lied.

"Good. Now you should get going, some of those kids like early skating."

"Okay," Alberto chuckled, then followed Massimo downstairs.

"Espresso?" Massimo asked, holding up a cup.

"No, thanks. I'll be fine today," Alberto smiled and walked into the snowy street.

"Okay then," Massimo readied one of his eyebrows, revealing his eye, and watched Alberto leave.

Alberto whistled cheerfully as he walked to the once-swimming-beach. He had no idea how to whistle, or why he was doing it, but he just felt happy. Maybe it was the universe telling him something good was happening today. Luca had told him about astrology and some other things like that, and it made total sense to Alberto.

Wait- what if I get to see Luca today? The very thought made Alberto's heart melt. Although it had only been a few months, Alberto was constantly pining for Luca.

"Mister Alberto!" The same bright pink sea monster from swimming ran up to him. But she was out of water- and still not human. Alberto gave her a confused look as she continued to babble, "I didn't know you knew how to skate! Has Lulu gotten back yet? Do you know what ship means yet? Can I-"

"Wait. Wait." Alberto cut her off, "why are you still in your sea monster form? Can't you change into a human?"

The little girl looked at herself, "oh yeah, I can't. Momma says it just makes me special because I always get to be my favorite color!" She swished her reptilian tail with pride, "I kinda wonder what I'd look like as a human sometimes."

Alberto blinked, "Cool, I guess."

"Thanks! Now canyoutellmeifyouregaycauseiheardarumorandcouldyouplessetellmepleasethankyouokaybye," she blurted, then jumped onto the ice and skated away.

It seemed every time he almost talked to her, she would start spouting nonsense and run away. He shrugged and looked at the rest of the skaters, then decided to go around the ice himself. He hadn't skated in a while, so he was a little shaky at first, but gained his confidence by the time he made it around the loop.

Somehow, the little girl passed him twice by the time he made it back off the ice.

"I thought you'd be fasternotgonnalie," she said quickly as she skated away again.

"That girl," Alberto huffed to himself, watching her skate around again.

"Hey, Alberto sir!" A human girl poked on his shoulder, "is my girlfriend here?"

"What?" Alberto had been asked some puzzling questions before, but he was in awe of this girl's lack of fear of discrimination.

"There she is!" The girl skated onto the ice, unfaltering, and slid next to the pink sea monster.

Alberto blinked, then looked around at the snowy streets of Portorosso.

"Sir-" this time, it was a little boy that came up to him, "do you know where I can find any skates?"

"Um- no, but I think those girls over there might know. They seem pretty smart," he motioned to the supposedly homosexual girls.

"Okaythanks," he ran onto the ice before Alberto could get another word out.

What was up with these kids? Alberto knew he could be intimidating if he wanted to be, but was he really that scary?

"Alberto-?" A voice called from behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. Alberto's heart stopped for a moment, but he wasn't sure why. Until he caught a glimpse of familiarly curly brown hair.

Alberto froze for a moment, comprehending what was happening. "L-Luca? Is it really you?" Alberto gulped and blinked a few more times, tears welling in his eyes.

Luca nodded, already crying a little bit. He jumped into Alberto's arms, burying his face in Alberto's chest, "I missed you, like a lot,"

Alberto looked down at Luca, setting his chin in Luca's hair, "I missed you, too." Alberto picked Luca up by the waist and spun his around gently, "I like your skirt."

"Really?" Luca asked, wiping a tear away, his cheeks turning rosy pink,"I didn't think you would."

Alberto was about to say something, but Giulia interrupted his thoughts, "Well, Luca?" She waved what looked like a box with a lens in the air.

"What is that?" He asked, still holding Luca's waist. Luca's face turned very bright red as Giulia waved the camera again.

"Like, right now?" Luca asked, putting his wrists around Alberto's upper arms.

"Yes!" Giulia shouted, tapping her foot, "now or nevver,"

Luca looked up at Alberto, then mouthed something like "I'm sorry" to Alberto.

Alberto was confused until Luca stepped in his tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek.

Can I Hold You Now? ~Luberto~Where stories live. Discover now