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Featuring: The one I know y'all wanna see; Aurora


As the only sea monster on the planet who couldn't perform "the change" and the second sea monster to ever go to school above the water, Aurora tended to face a lot of discrimination.  Some nights, when her classmates were being really mean to her about her sea-monsterness, she would do nothing but cry and wish something would change. Today, unfortunately, was one of those days.

"Aurora?" The only other sea monster at school, Luca, walked into her dorm, "One of your friends told me you were sad again. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Aurora sniffed, looking up at her friend. Although it had been a few years since she started school, and Luca was well near graduating university, he had always been so nice to her.
"Can we do magic? I know you were learning about cells and stuff in science, is there anyway we can change my cells?"

Luca looked down, "I'm sorry, Aurora. I don't think that's possible," he put a hand on her back, "But I know something that might cheer you up!"

Aurora sniffed, her tears vanishing in an instant, "DID ALBERTO WRITE US A LETTER?" She asked, jumping on top of Luca. Technically, the letters were meant for Luca, but Aurora always insisted on reading them with him.

Luca couldn't help but laugh, "Among other things, yes. But that's not what I was-"

"DID YOU READ IT WITHOUT ME? LET'S GO." She grabbed his arm and yanked him through her door.

"Aurora-" Luca barely said because he was laughing so hard, "Sunshine had puppies!" He stopped Aurora.

"REALLY?!" Aurora said about ten times louder, all of her previously sad emotions long gone, "BEST DAY EVEEERRR!" She chanted as she walked down the steps.

"Ahh, feeling better I see," Giulia's mother concluded, washing the dishes and humming a tune to a radio on the counter, "The letter's on the table."

"Thank you!" She said cheerily, grabbing the letter on the table and handing it to Luca, "I have a REALLY good feeling about this one!" She was nearly bouncing up and down.

Luca, still grinning wildly, managed to open the letter, although the fact that Aurora's face was nearly touching the envelope, "I don't know- maybe we should wai-" he joked, then the letter was ripped out of his hands.

"NOT FUNNY. IM OPENING IT NOW." She tore open the paper, comparable to a savage, and unfolded the letter inside.

"Hand it over," Luca held out his hand, "He's mine, not yours."

"Gross. Boys," she handed over the letter reluctantly, "I'm offended that you'd think I think of Alberto that way," she crossed her arms over her red and black button-up.

Luca chuckled, "I know, and you don't have to worry about Alberto thinking that way of you either," he unfolded the letter, then began trying to translate the scribbles that were Alberto's handwriting.

Dear Luca (and Aurora because I know you're reading this too),

Nothing interesting has really happened this week, although a few more sea monster families have moved into the main town.

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