It was horrible Jack!

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“Hey, Luke. You look happy today?” Calum asks me as he shows up at 6 to pick up Ashton from my place.

“I’ve got a date tonight.” I tell him, he frowns but then smiles.

“Nice to hear, you guys have fun and no funny business.” Calum says, there was something weird in the way he spoke, the way he looked at me and I didn’t like it.

“This is a first date Calum, I’m not a slut!” I tell him.

“Got to at least wait until the 4th date.” Ashton says.

“Hey, it’s our 6th date and I still haven’t gotten in your pants!” Calum says, faking hurt.

“CALUM! I’m not a slut, Luke is.” Ashton replies, he kisses Calum on the lips quickly and then they leave. I was ready for my date too, I just had to put my shirt on. I’d done my hair up in my usual quiff, and I frowned at my face. Maybe I should finally get that lip piercing I’ve always wanted to have? The doorbell rang as I was pouting at myself in the mirror.

I opened the door, revealing Brady wearing a white shirt with a black tie and black slacks, with shiny black shoes. He matched my outfit, except for the fact I had on brown shoes to match my brown tie and the black blazer with brown leather elbowpatches.

“Why brown?” Brady asks.

“I remember you once telling me it was your favorite color.” I tell him, feeling myself blush.

“I would say it looks good on you, but everything looks good on you soo…” Brady trails off, he holds out his hand for me and I grab hold of it. I yelled that I was leaving to my mom and then closed the door behind me. I felt a pair of eyes on me as Brady walked me to his car and held the door open for me, ignoring it and figuring it was obviously Brady that was staring at his date.

Brady took me to this romantic fancy restaurant, something I hated because I wasn’t fancy and I knew I’d make a fool of myself. People stared at us as we walked in, Brady holding the door open for me and then guiding me to a table in the back with his hand on my lowerback. He’s made reservations and damn he sounded like he knew what he was doing.

“So ehm, I hope you like it.” Brady says shyly as I looked around. I put on a fake smile and nodded.

“It’s amazing, really fancy.” I tell him, he nods and looks down at his menu, I decided to have a look too. I probably looked like I was drowning because I felt my eyes go wide at the prices and the exotic names of everything.

“You ok there cutie?” Brady asks me, the name sent a shiver down my spine and not the good kind.

“Please don’t call me that, anything but that.” I tell him, he nods and then looks at me worriedly.

“I ehm I don’t eat out as fancy as this often. I don’t know what to take, it’s all so expensive.” I tell him.

“My parents are paying, do you want me to order for you?” He asks me, I sigh and nod at him just a bit of hope for this date came back as he smiled at me sweetly.

“It’s ok Babe, I got you.” He whispers, I felt the urge to throw up because no he did not just say that to me.

“Ehm yeah no babe either.” I tell him, he frowns at me but nods anyway.

“How about my love?” Brady asks me cheekily, I felt myself blush and I nod.

“Good, well then I’ll order for us both, my love.” Brady says, I frown lightly as I felt eyes on me, knowing Brady was talking to the waiter so I looked around. Was that pink hair I spotted outside the restaurant? What? No, and plus many girls have pink hair now-a-days. I didn’t see the lengths of the pink hair so it could have easily been some teenage girl rebelling against her parents or something.

Let me break the date down for you, the food was disgusting, Brady laughed that horrible laugh at my lame jokes. He felt warm, too warm when he grabbed my hand, he made stupid jokes that I had to fake laugh at. I noticed the scar on his jaw and the zit on his chin, I noticed how he’d wipe his mouth with the back of his hand and he’d check his phone a lot. I caught him looking at his own reflection often yet somehow I still felt eyes on me. I refrained from looking around as much as I could, trying to keep my attention on Brady.

When he dropped me off at home he walked me to my door and leant in for a kiss, I kissed him on the cheek quickly and he took my blush as a sign that I was just shy, the blush was actually for the fact Michael was just about to walk into his house and he looked right at me as Brady leant in.

“See you on Monday, my love.” Brady says to me, then he jogs to his car and drives of. I sigh deeply just to jump when I heard a door slam shut, looking around I noticed Michael had gone inside.

“How was your date?” Jack asks me as I walk in, I roll my eyes at him so he stood up and wrapped an arm around me.

“I know that face, what went wrong?” He asks, he pulls me to the couch and then sits down with me.

“It was horrible Jack! He brought me to this fancy restaurant, I didn’t even know what the menu said so he ordered for me and it was disgusting! He kept looking at himself in any reflection he could see and kept scratching his zit, I swear I was going to throw up! He made stupid jokes and his laugh is horrible and just then he tried to kiss me! Where were you, to pull open the door and punch him for trying a move on your little brother huh Jack!” I tell him.

“Wow there, calm down Luke. He didn’t kiss you though right?” Jack asks me, eyes me suspiciously.

“I kissed his cheek to at least get it over with.” I shrug.

“Next time text me HELP and I’ll come to you.” Jack says, I curl up on the couch and then stand up quickly, running to the bathroom and throwing up whatever it was I ate.

“Gimme your phone Luke.” Jack tells me, I hand it to him because I knew he’d not do anything stupid. He texted somebody.

“Ash is on a date.” I tell him.

“That’s why I didn’t text Ash. Here buddy you go to bed.” Jack says, he helps me to my room after I brush my teeth and then I change. I got into bed with a large t-shirt on, that may or may not have been Ben’s but he didn’t need to know, and my boxers because it’s not like I was going somewhere.

There was a knock on the door a half our later and then footsteps, I knew them as Jacks.

AN/ Oooh why was Calum looking at Luke weird and why did he sound weird?Ha, Brady can you even date?? Seems like you can't!! Did Luke see pink hair while at the restaurant? Oooh poor Lukey is sick because of the fancy foods :s WHY didn't Jack go out and punch Brady for making a move on Luke? Like come on Jack, you're an older brother, that's like in your job description and everything! WHo do you think Jack texted?


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