An Empress' Duty

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Shelly grabs her uniform shirt and with a single tug, pulls the entire uniform off to reveal her battle outfit: the Kamura armor from Monster Hunter Rise. The giant Rekka Daizantou is stored on her back. Her eyes stare at the growling creature in the cage.

Jaune: Wow...

Ruby: That was awesome!

Meanwhile, Jace zips back into his seat.

Jace: What did I miss?

Jonas: Shelly's getting ready to fight...whatever that thing is inside the cage.

(*Cues: Where Wyverns Go To Die - Monster Hunter Rise*)

Port: Alright! Let the match...

He readies his ax at the lock, ready to release the beast. Shelly hauls her signature long sword onto one shoulder.

Port: BEGIN!

The professor swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk, which immediately charges at Shelly. She uses the flat end of the giant blade to block its attack before hauling it again onto her shoulder, readying herself for the Grimm's next move. She then charges at the oncoming Boarbatusk, aiming her blade straight at its plated skull until they meet and Rekka Daizantou is trapped in the beast's tusks. Shelly digs her heels into the floor thanks to the metal boots, getting herself into a tug-of-war with the black boar.

Port: Bold, new approach. I like it!

Despite her best efforts, the Boarbatusk turns its head and rips the sword from her grip, causing it to stab into the floor and away from its master, who is knocked back by the tusks.

Port: Oh-ho! Now, what will you do without your weapon?

Shelly: Improvise.

From between her fingers, Shelly arms herself with throwing kunai's and starts tossing them at the boar in a last-ditch effort to hopefully wear it down. The darts are slowly holding it off while Shelly leaps into the air gracefully and kicks her weapon up before she catches it.

Shelly: Your time is up, piggy!

This time, she inserts the ShinkenRed fire disk onto a disk knob mounted on the hilt. This causes the blade portion of her weapon to be engulfed in pink-colored fire. Shelly then leaps high and drives the flaming sword into the Boarbatusk, melting through its plates and killing it. The fire disperses as Shelly uses one hand to wipe the blade in one go. The entire classroom goes nuts!

(*End song*)

Port: Bravo! Bravo! it appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

Shelly stores her giant sword back onto her back.

Jace: That was wonderful, Shelly.

BJ: Good going, girl!

Jonas: You gotta teach me some of that!

Sonny: Very impressive, par'ner.

Shelly: Heh heh. Come on, boys. It's the empress' duty.

Weiss suddenly storms to the exit and passes her teammates. She then gestures to Shelly, telling her to come with her.

Jaune: What's with her?

The remaining members of Team RWBY look at each other with the same question.

Shelly: I shall catch up with you all at night.

Weiss is still storming off, but Shelly follows up behind.

Shelly: What is it?

Weiss: Why did YOU have to fight the Boarbatusk?! It should've been me!

Shelly: Well, how so? Prove it to me.

Weiss: That's just it - you've only gained popularity thanks to all of your ninja skills and wielding that ridiculously large blade! (Gesturing to Rekka Daizantou)

Shelly: Weiss, I don't know where this is coming from, but I am an empress! And it is an empress' duty to fight for their team! Meanwhile, you only sat on the sidelines like a damsel!

Weiss: I have studied and trained, and quite frankly, I deserve better! I deserve to be more famous than YOU! All you are is just a pathetic and weak daughter that doesn't deserve to be an empress!

Shelly slaps Weiss across the face angrily. Weiss tries to throw a punch but Shelly catches it and uses the opportunity to forcefully knock on the heiress' skull.

Shelly: Who's weak and pathetic now?

She then pushes her away.

Weiss: (Rubbing her head) Ozpin made a mistake.

She walks away and Shelly dusts her hands.

Ozpin: Hmm... Now that didn't seem to go very well.

Shelly: She deserved it. What I did earlier was self-defense.

Ozpin: (Laughing slightly) Then I would congratulate you for teaching her a lesson.

Shelly: But, professor. Is she right about what she had said to me? That I don't deserve to be an empress?

Ozpin: That remains to be seen. It's only been one day, Miss Valentine... I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child in this world, but at this moment, I would not consider your title to be one of those mistakes. Do you?

Shelly: No, but I was taught to carry the family name.

Ozpin: Being an empress isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're always being shot out of the sky by negative comments, then what reason do you give others to respect you?

Shelly takes out her weapon and looks at the fire kanji marked on the blade.

Shelly: I see it now. I've...

Ozpin and Shelly: been burdened with a responsibility to be prideful of the family name.

She nods.

Ozpin: I advise you to take some time and bond with your teammates. Treat them like your second family, a family of brothers and sisters.

Shelly: Understood.

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