Still can't cope and made another story so

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Slow Rick | Tall Morty x Teacher Rick
its not even funny anymore how much I'm desperate for this

Just some drabbles, I don't know. no real plot, just pure fluff (if there's tags: #/porn without plot this one is tagged: #/fluff without plot) because I'm tired of fucking reading gay sex.

(that's a lie, I still want gay sex but we have to have some fluffs sometimes too)

Events living together after last fic<3

Also very fucking domestic bc i love that domestic shit



If there's one thing Rick love in the world beside his over inflated ego, it was morning routines. The smell of mornings and the offer of a new day full of chaos and never ending madness as he prepare a toast for himself is everything he could ever want amd more. Just pure bliss to him.

Now though, he love morning for a whole new different reasons

It was only day 4 of having his Small Rick (he opted to call him small instead of slow) by his side and he was under his mercy already.

The smell of his shampoo on the other's hair as he turned and settle on his bed. The curling of his small frame closer to his much larher ones. The warmth of another living, breathing body that holds onto him so so desperately.

And that moment where he first open his eyes to see the same pale blue hair cradled in his chest, their feet tangled together, and a content smile on both their faces. It was heaven.

And waling the other up was as much as heaven as watching him sleep.

He starts by slow kisses. On the forehead, on the hair. Making his way down to his eyes and cheeks. And then Small Rick would stir slowly, a giggle at the base of his throat and a giddy smile on his lips.

Then he'd crack an eye open with low shriek of laughter, hugging Teacher Rick close to him. The other Rick would indulge himself further into the hug and kiss every part of his face and chest he could reach making the other laugh some more.

"R-rr ick!"

He still couldn't quiet say Rick's name right and always ended up rolling the r and ending with "ick". Not that he mined though, it was cute in a way.

And so they would cuddle some more and playfully kiss each other some more. Kissing was strangely a fast development in their relationship. After kissing Small Rick's kiss during graduation, Teacher Rick found himself doing it a couple more times and soon enough, Small Rick started initiating kisses too.

Of course, they haven't kissed on the lips. Yet.

Few more minutes of playfulness in bed and Rick would finally get up, scooping Ricky (another sweet nickname he'd given Small Rick) into his arms and settling him on his hip.

They trudge out of the room with Ricky clingy on his shoulders sleepily and making their way to the bathroom for morning routines.

First was washing their face. It was early on that Rick figured out to help Ricky in a lot of what needs to be done. So he did and he surprised himself by finding out how he didn't mind it one bit.

He placed the smaller one on the closed toilet seat before placing a towel on hid chest and guiding his face down the sink for him to wash.

Ricky used to hate it but quickly found himseld enjoying it as Rick's calloused fingers made quick work of gently scrubbing his face.

To All The Tropes I Wanted To WriteWhere stories live. Discover now