Chapter Six - Second Chance

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Barney ran to the door and opened it very quickly. He looked at you, then at Ellie, then at the bags and moved out of the way to let you in.
"Hey guys!" You greeted the gang.
"Hi Y/N!" They all said.
"So here's the bag with all the stuff you need. I trust you guys so don't do anything stupid please!" You said, putting the bag on the floor next to the couch and handed Ellie over to Ted (he was closest to where you were standing).
"Don't worry! We all have kids of our own." Lily said.
"Speaking of, Tracy and my kids are on their way. I'm sure they wouldn't mind entertaining Ellie for a few hours." Ted said.
"Sounds good!" You replied. "What are your guys' kids names?" You asked them.
"Marshall and I have two kids, Marvin and Daisy." Lily answered.
"My kids are named Penny and Luke." Ted said after Lily.
"Those are all nice names!" You said, completing your friends. "Barney, we should get going."
"Yes! See ya guys!" Barney said, leaving with you out of the apartment.

At the taxi, you ran into Tracy and who you assumed was Penny and Luke.
"Hi Tracy!" You said, giving her a hug. "You two must be Penny and Luke?" You crouched down at them, smiling brightly. They both nodded excitedly. "Well nice to meet you both!"
"Y/N, in here!" Barney said, waiting for you in the cab. "Bye guys!" He waved at Tracy, Penny and Luke. You got into the cab and sat next to Barney.

Once you got to the bar, you sat at a small two-person table. Wendy the waitress came and asked what you two wanted. Barney ordered for both of you,
"Two scotches, neat please."
"Be right back!" Wendy said, cheerfully.
"So, why'd you ask me out?" Barney asked, cheekily.
"I don't know..." You said. You did know, but the reason was something he would laugh at.
"Come on, is it this?" He said, jokingly as he was pointing at himself, indicating his body.
"No!" You laughed. You noticed Barney look up and down at a pretty girl that walked by. You felt your cheeks heat up and you had no idea why. You touched your cheeks lightly, trying to neutralize them with your cold hands. But it didn't work.
"Be right back." Barney said to you, heading to the girl. You had a gut feeling something like this would happen, so you started to take your purse and leave until you heard this, "This is highly inappropriate for you young women to dress like this! I bet your grandmothers would disapprove! Get home now and change!" You heard Barney shout at two young adults. They were wearing revealing shirts and skinny lacy pants. Barney came back to sit with you and you had a shocked look on your face. Your redden cheeks were gone. "Sorry about that. So, you were answering my question..."
"Um... what just happened with you and those girls! I'd expect you'd be walking out of the bar with them by now!" You exclaimed.
"Y/N, I'm not that man anymore... I'm all yours." You looked at Barney with a mix of confusion and joy. This flattered you a lot. Your blushed cheeks were back. Barney covered his mouth, realizing what he said. He looked a bit embarrassed. "I meant like "I'm all yours" as in for Ellie's sake. Not like that." He quickly covered up. You felt a little disappointed after he said that, but didn't show it.
"Yeah, of course." You replied.
Your drinks then came and you chatted.

A few hours later, he took you back to his apartment for you to pick up Ellie.
"Hey!" Barney exclaimed, opening the door to the apartment.
"Hi!" They all cheered. Penny, Luke and Ellie were playing hot potato with a rubber ball on the floor in-front of the couch as the adults were eating pizza at the table. You went straight to Ellie and picked her up.
"How's my baby girl doing! I missed you so much!" You kissed her on the cheek.
"Pass!" Barney said, quietly standing behind you. You turned around and handed Ellie over to her father. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before handing her back to you. As you leaned in to take her. Barney leaned in and kissed you quickly, with Ellie in between both of you. You stepped away after a few seconds and took Ellie. This got everyone's attention to go to you both.
"I should get going. See you tomorrow..." You said, packing Ellie's baby stuff and leaving quickly. You didn't even say bye to your friends.

Number 31 (Barney Stinson x Female Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now