Chapter 6 - Mars Attack

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROMPT: Cheryl falls out with her husband Jean and he leaves her for the night. She calls Chloe for a chat but Chloe insists on going over to make sure that her best friend is okay. Chloe does everything she can to make Cheryl smile. But when Chloe accidentally drops a bombshell, how does the Geordie react?


It was around eleven at night and I was just about ready for bed. I had got a wash, brushed my teeth and just got changed into some red chequered pyjamas. Folding back my covers to hop onto my soft mattress that I had been waiting for all day, I realised I had left my book downstairs. Deciding against leaving the comfort of my bed, I picked up my kindle and started to read. It must have been twenty minutes before I heard my phone start to ring. When I looked over to my phone, I saw that Cheryl’s beautiful face was lighting up my bedroom.

I had always loved Cheryl but I knew nothing would come of it. She was straight and happily married, but being her best friend was good enough for me, to see her near enough every day and to chauffeur her around to all of her important recordings and photo shoots and to go on night outs and on holidays with her was the best thing ever. I was just thankful to spend time with her.

‘Hello. Chloe speaking, how may my services be of any help to you at this hour?’ I called playfully when I answered the call knowing it would definitely be her.

‘Chlo..?’ I heard quiet sniffles.

‘Chez, what’s wrong?’ I started to panic immediately.

‘Don’t panic babe, it’s nothing serious. It’s just...’

I waited for Cheryl to start speaking again after her pause, but she never did.

‘Just what Chez? You can tell me?’

‘Me & Jean had a silly arguement and he’s gone out. He’s not coming home tonight. I just feel lonely and scared. I’ve never been here alone in this new house overnight. So I thought I’d ring for a chat.’ I heard a couple more sniffles.

Knowing that Cheryl was scared and upset broke my heart. ‘What do you mean he’s not coming home tonight?’

‘He booked a room at a hotel. He said that he couldn’t stand the sight of me.’ I knew Cheryl was now properly crying. She was a silent crier but I could always tell when those tears were spilling.

‘Right okay, where are you?’

‘I’m at home in the kitchen picking up the plates he threw at me but I’ve cut my finger now.’ Cheryl started to wince.

‘I swear to god, I’m going to kill him!’ I cursed before carrying on. ‘Don’t pick any more up babe. Make a drink, go to bed. I’m on my way.’

‘Babe no! It’s late and it’s a long travel, I’ll be okay.’

‘Chez, it’s a twenty minute drive, hardly a trek. Now do as I say please? I’ll let myself in with my key.’

Cheryl finally agreed reluctantly before putting the phone down. It only took me another three minutes before I was sat in my car, turning on my engine.


‘Cheryl?’ I called as I closed her door behind me. ‘Chez?’

‘I’m in the lounge.’ I heard a soft reply.

‘I knew you would be. You can never do as you’re told.’ I muttered.

I strutted my way to the lounge to be stood shocked at what I saw. Never in my life have I seen such cuteness. Cheryl was laid across the sofa with her bed duvet snuggled up to her chin. Her coffee table was pulled up against the sofa with an empty cup and around six empty curly wurly packets. When the precious Geordie moved her head up to where I was stood, her eyes were bloodshot and dried mascara was painted down her face. But as soon as she saw me leant against the doorway, she smiled enormously and when I saw those famous dimples of hers, my heart started to skip beats.

‘Are you alright?’ I spoke softly throwing my car keys on the coffee table as I walked slowly towards her.

‘Yeah babe, I’m sorry for making you come out.’

‘You didn’t, it was my choice to! I’m gonna clean up the mess and get you another hot drink.’

‘Come give me one your cuddles first Chlo. I’ve missed them.’

I grinned as I swiftly moved across the room towards the sofa where Cheryl had already sat up to make room for me. When I had placed myself on the warm leather, the beautiful Geordie jumped onto my knee and swept the cover over our bodies.

We were sat in silence for a good ten minutes before I said something. I really shouldn’t have but I couldn’t stop myself. ‘I love you.’

‘What?!’ Cheryl questioned in shock.

She raised her head till our eyes met.

‘Nothing.’ I stumbled before carrying on. ‘I need to go tidy that mess up. I’ll be back soon.’

‘No! Tell me what you meant Chloe?’ I knew Cheryl was persistent but I just couldn’t tell her, not now.’

‘It doesn’t matter Chez. Try and get some sleep, it’s late.’

I walked into the kitchen to see plates, glasses and empty bottles smashed across the tiled floor. Seeing it made my blood boil. I knew that this was all his doing. Cheryl could never physically hurt anyone, not like this. Nevertheless, I started picking up his mess and put the kettle on to boil.

I didn’t realise but Cheryl must have been in the kitchen a while because when I turned around, she was sat at the breakfast bar surrounded by chocolate. Suddenly the brunette hurled a mars bar at my head.

‘Ouch! What was that for?’ I winced.

‘Shut up, it didn’t hurt you wimp.’ The brunette stuck her tongue out before carrying on. ‘Leave his mess. He can clean it up when he comes for his stuff. As for you, you need to come here and help me eat all this chocolate.’ Cheryl then giggled loudly. It was like music to my ears.

‘Cheryl! That’s naughty!’

‘You’re not complaining though are you?’

We were sat talking for a good hour before she brought up what I had muttered to her in the lounge.

‘Did you mean it Chloe?’ She then spoke softly.

‘Mean what?’

‘You honestly thought I didn’t hear you?’ Cheryl raised a brow sarcastically.

‘Err I don’t know what you’re on about...’

I could see that the Geordie was becoming frustrated. ‘Do you love me Chloe?’ Her voice slightly raised and it turned me on.

‘Yes of course I bloody do! I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. I just never told you because you seemed happy enough.’

Cheryl fell silent and after a few moments, she found the courage to reply. ‘I love you too. Jean hated the fact that I was constantly around you. But I can’t get enough of you.’

Cheryl jumped down from her stool and took hold of my hands.

‘Put me out of my misery.’ She whined.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Don’t stall anymore time Chloe! Just kiss me!’

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