Chapter 7 - Stop

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PROMPT: Chloe & Cheryl have been a couple for three years now. Chloe has something planned for her and Cheryl’s future, but what happens when Cheryl decides to spend the evening with her former Girls Aloud band mates?

‘Cheryl, I don’t want to listen to anymore of your shit.’ I snarled as I left a sniffling Geordie in the lounge.

I felt anger rise up inside of me. If I didn’t walk away now then I would have done something really stupid.

I had everything planned for me and Cheryl’s night but she decided to scooch off and have a catch up night with her former band mates.

‘Chloe, you know you mean the world to me!’ Cheryl sobbed out her heart.

‘Do I though?’ I spun on my heels and hissed.

‘Stop being so angry, it scares us!’

‘Stop being so thick then! Use your head. You knew I had this planned for us and you fucked it up again, as always.’

‘Is that what you really think of us?’ Cheryl bolted up to her feet as she stumbled across her words.


‘You think I’m thick and an utter useless failure? Well thanks Chloe.’ And with that the heartbroken Geordie stormed past me and climbed the stairs before hearing her wrenching sobs behind a slamming door.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, even though I knew no-one could hear me. On exiting the lounge, I punched the oak door pushing it off its hinges. My knuckles instantly went ice blue but I didn’t feel the pain just yet, my adrenaline was still buzzing.

I stormed over to the white American style fridge in the spacious kitchen before flinging back the door violently and reaching out for the new litre bottle of triple distilled vodka.

I unscrewed the cap of the bottle, getting a whiff of the scent I loved. I took a glass out of the cabinet before realising that drinking out of a glass would be pointless as I could just tip the whole bottle down the back of my throat.

I felt another rush of anger and found myself throwing the glass full pelt across the kitchen, but it wasn’t enough. Suddenly, I put out my arm and made a clean sweep of all the glasses in the cabinet and hearing clanks, smashing and crashing against the cold tiles. What had come over me?

In a sudden urge to calm myself down, I threw my head back to take a gulp of the pure sour taste, only realising once I had brought my head down, I caught a glimpse of one angry looking Cheryl.

‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!’ I heard her aggressive voice tearing me apart. ‘I know I fucked up your plans tonight but there’s no need for... this!’

‘It wasn’t just my plans Cheryl. I was gonna take you to my favourite place.’ I took another gulp of vodka before carrying on. ‘I was gonna take you high up on the rocks where there’s no-one around. Where you can hear the wind blowing in your ears and the waves crashing against the rocks beneath you. Where you can almost reach out and touch the crisp sea air. Where you can look out and see for miles and you just feel like you’re the only ones left on the planet. Where you can smell all the good sea-side food, like the fish and the doughnuts. Where I could taste your lips and not worried about men with cameras popping up at every given chance. I repeated the cruel step of drinking the nasty alcohol before blurting out. ‘I was gonna ask you to be my wife!’

Instantly, Cheryl’s anger simmered into a sad expression. ‘Babe, I’m so sorry. I never knew.’

‘No. But now you do.’

A nervous and apprehensive Cheryl wandered very close to me. I could feel how careful she was being not to get hurt. The beautiful brunette reached out her hand to retrieve the bottle and I reluctantly let go.

‘Babe, you need to stop drinking. You’re gonna end up in hospital.’

‘I’m fine.’ I spoke bluntly.

As I sat down slowly at the breakfast bar, I accidentally smacked my bruised hand on the corner of the counter and hissed loudly causing the Geordie to jump a little.

‘What’s wrong Chloe?’ Cheryl spoke worriedly.


‘You don’t hiss in pain for nothing Chloe. Now don’t lie to us and tell us what’s wrong?’

I held out my hand for her to see the mixed blue and purple colours on my left hand.

‘What the fuck is that from?!’ Cheryl screeched.

‘Your lounge door is off its hinges...’

‘For fuck sake Chlo.’

‘I’m sorry okay. I’m sorry for everything. I’ll clean up. I’ll even fix your door in morning. Just please don’t walk away from me. I need you.’ I started to sob.

Usually Cheryl gives in and sweeps me up into a huge cuddle when she hears me cry, but not this time. That’s how I knew I messed things up.

The brunette slumped to the freezer and retrieved ice from the dispenser on the door before wrapping it in a tea towel and carefully placed it onto my bruised hand.

‘You’re lucky you’ll still be around tomorrow.’

And with that sentence, I cried hysterically. ‘Cheryl, you don’t understand, seriously. I know I did all this but I never meant to, I swear. I love you.’

‘I love you too.’ Is all she spoke to me before she turned on her bare heels and headed for the stairs. ‘I’m going to bed. I’m tired and stressed.’

‘Babe, please wait... Just stop!! Listen to me?’ I pleaded for her to hear me out.

The beautiful brunette stopped unexpectedly at the bottom of the stairs but never turned around.

I pulled away my makeshift ice pack and sprinted towards Cheryl. Her usual glimmering eyes were dim and I saw tears pricking at the surface.

My whole body was trembling and my heart was going ten to a dozen but I was desperate to tell this woman how I felt and so I proceeded.

‘Cheryl I love you so much. More than words could ever explain. Your eyes, your hair, your smile and your dimples make my heart melt. You’re so incredibly smart but funny. You make me laugh on my lowest days. Your body is breath-taking. Your kind, caring and generous heart is mind-blowing. As crazy as it sounds baby, you’re my soul mate.’ My voice grew softer and softer until it became a whisper.

Effortlessly, I dropped to one knee and pulled out a velvet box. Pulling the lid back, I whispered once more. ‘Cheryl Ann Tweedy, I want you to be my soul mate.

I heard her sigh in shock when she saw the biggest diamond ring gleaming.

‘Will you marry me?’

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