Chapter 4 - All I Need (All I Don't)

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PROMPT: Chloe and Cheryl are together and have been together for two years but Chloe has been upset about the fact that Cheryl and her ex husband Jean have been seeing each other for 'business' on a weekly basis. After Cheryl spending a good couple of hours with her ex husband at a party. Chloe finallydecides she has had enough but will Cheryl do enough to fix things or will Chloe be brave enough to walk away?


I was looking across the room at my girlfriend Cheryl as she was talking to her ex Jean. Was I jealous? I don’t know, maybe. But she was flirting. She was stood only inches away from him and touching his hand every time he said something seemingly funny, which was practically every minute. She was giggling and smiling in a way she never did with me which broke my heart because I gave her everything I possibly could. I know I wasn’t rich or famous, I know I was only young but I tried to give her my everything. Every so often she was pruning her hair, playing with her now third drink that he had now bought her and tilting her head onto one side. She never looked my way once.

We were at a fashion party where we were invited to. The whole world knew about us now and after two years of being together, all the press died down and now we were left to live happily and peacefully.

Cheryl wasn’t so keen on going to this party until she heard that fancy pants prince charming was going to be there, then she had to put her best dress on and look the best she possibly could.

We hadn’t gone alone, Kimberley and Nicola were both there and they were looking at Cheryl and then looking at me. In fact everybody was looking at me, I felt embarrassed.

My heart was breaking, my eyes had gone teary and I was starting to have an anxiety attack. I just couldn’t do this anymore.

‘Hey don’t worry about it Chloe, he will be old news again after tonight.’ Nicola smiled politely trying to reassure me.

‘Trust me, I’m past worrying about it.’ And with that, I walked over to Cheryl before glaring at Jean.

‘Cheryl, I’m going home. I might see you when you get home. But I’m not too sure.’

This was the bravest thing I had done to date with Cheryl and I was kicking myself not to let it show that I was bothered but I had to leave and I wasn’t being a coward and leaving her a message.

‘Wait up babe, I’ll come with yous.’ The Geordie put down her drink before picking up her clutch bag. ‘Thanks for tha drinks Jean. It was nice seein’ yas.’

I stood outside waiting for Cheryl’s driver to pick us up and after a few seconds Cheryl came running out of the club.

‘Hey baby... What’s wron’? Yous poorly?’

‘I guess you could call it that.’

‘What yous mean Chlo?’

‘Never mind.’

Every time I looked at Cheryl, I couldn’t speak to her. My heart was breaking. For the past two years, I was lying to myself. I was just her rebound, after all she did keep meeting up with Jean.  Working with Jean. Having a business meeting over a meal with Jean. His name was taunting me. His face was haunting me and I had had enough.

The ride home was the quietest ride I had had with Cheryl. I never spoke a word. She had asked me a couple of yes or no questions but I only answered with a nod or a shake of my head.

‘Did you have fun?’ She stuttered and I shook my head.

‘Was it me?’ And I nodded.

‘Was it because I was talking to Jean?’ I nodded again.

‘Are yas jealous? And I shook my head at Cheryl’s final question.

Then we never spoke, we didn’t even speak when we pulled up or even when we got into the house.

I sat down in the lounge to take my heels off my stinging feet.

‘Right, tell us the crack?’ Cheryl was stood at the doorway of the lounge.

‘Don’t get me started Cheryl because you don’t wanna hear it, you really don’t.’

‘Maybe I do. You’ve been in a foul mood, I had to chase you out of the club, everybody was looking at me, and I felt ashamed. So why did you make me look like a fool?’

‘What the actual fuck? Cheryl people were staring at me all fucking night. I am meant to be your girlfriend but you spent the last hour and half of the night talking to your ex husband. He was buying you drinks all night, he was making you laugh in ways that I never can. You were pruning your hair, tilting your head, touching his hands and you got upset because you felt ashamed because I didn’t want to see it anymore? You have such a fucking nerve!’

‘For one, it wasn’t an hour and a half. For two, he bought me three drinks; it wasn’t like he had bought me them all. For three, he has a sense of humour that only I get. And for four, we were catching up.’ She started to hiss.

‘You will never understand Cheryl. It was an hour and a half but that sayings right. Time flies when you’re having fun. He’s your ex husband, he shouldn’t be buying you any drinks. You spend a night a week with him whilst I’m sat at home worried about being second best. But you know, I’ve been lying to myself, you’ve been lying to me. All those times you said you loved me, it was bullshit. You’ve never loved me. I was just a rebound wasn’t I? Well you know what Cheryl. You can have him back. You can carry on being his little lap dog, His little accessory, his little applauder for his lame jokes. Because I’ve had enough. I’m washing my hands with you.

When I saw Cheryl’s face, tears were streaming down her beautiful delicate face. I couldn’t believe what I had said but I needed to stand my ground. I couldn’t live like this anymore.

‘What yous tryin’ ta say?’

‘It’s over Cheryl. You’re All I need and All I don’t.’

‘What do you mean by that?’

‘I need you Chez because I love you. Because you’re my world and everything I’ve ever done was for you but I don’t need you when I come second best. You’re fucking with my head, my heart is breaking and I can’t take it anymore.’

‘Please Chloe, I do love yas. Please don’t leave us!’ The Geordie started to sob.

‘It’s too late now. I’ll leave in the morning.’

‘Chloe please?!’ She begged.

‘Good night Cheryl.’

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