Chapter 14 - Love Bomb

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'Where are you going?' I raised an eyebrow as I saw Cheryl sneak to the front door all dressed up like a teen on a first date.

'I'm just going out babe, I'll see you later on tonight.' I heard the Geordie almost whisper nervously.

'Well where do you go dressed like that?'

'Just to meet up with someone...' Cheryl replied sarcastically.

'Just to let you know Cheryl, you're in your thirties. You're not thirteen.'

And with my last mocking comment, my bestfriend dumped her bag on the side before walking towards me in a huff.

'Alright... what's your problem?'

'There's no problem... I just don't see why you're making so much of an effort when you're single... unless you're seeing someone and not telling me...' I muttered as I turned to walk away.

'For god sake. If you must know, I'm going to see Jean to sort things out.'

'WHAT?!' I blurted out. Icouldn't believe what I had just heard. Cheryl had the courage to leave Jean after he had made her life a nightmare by putting her on silly diets and leaving her for weeks at a time. Only to find out that he was cheating on her. And who was there to pick up the pieces? Me.

'I love him Chloe. I can't be apart from him. He rang me saying that we need to talk and clear the air and to sort everything out...'

'And you're just going to go running are you? As soon as he clicks his fingers?'

'Behave yourself Chloe, it's not like that!'

'Then what is it like?' I argued back. Anger had taken over my body. Icould feel my face getting as red as a beetroot and my hands were shaking furiously.

'It doesn't matter... I'm going to be later. Talk later.' The brunette beauty picked up her bag , stormed out the door and slammed it behind her.

I hated arguing with my best friend, especially after everything she has done for me, put me up under her roof when my parents kicked me out, and gave me a job as her advertiser and graphics designer. But I hated to see her like this. I hated seeing her hurt. And the reason why I hated it was because I was undeniably in love with her. I wanted to look after her. Treat her how she deserved to be treated. I wanted to make her happy.

After a good five minutes of crying, I decided it wasn't going to make things better sat here, feeling sorry for myself. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and headed to my bedroom. Climbing into my pyjamas, and clambering into my bed, surprisingly, sleep took over me.

Suddenly, I was awoken by the front door slamming loud and Cheryl stomping up the stairs and finally shaking the house as her bedroom door crashed behind her.

What the hell had gone on?! I thought that Cheryl was sorting things out with her fancy french pants. I knew she wouldn't have wanted to see me but I also knew she was crying and I couldn't leave her to e on her own.

I jumped out of the bed and crept along the landing before giving Cheryl's door a gentle tap.

'Go away Chloe!'

'Chez, I just wanna be here for you.'

'I said go away.' And without another word from either of us, I waltzed into her bedroom and saw the beautiful geordie curled up in a ball on her bed in her cute outfit with black stained tears stinging her bloodshot eyes.

'Babe, what happened? I thought...'

'Well you thought wrong and so did I!' The hurt brunette cut me off hastily.

'Look, I know we argued but I am your best friend and I just want to know what happened so I can...'

'So you can say that you told me so? Well here's the story from beginning to end. We met up in a restaurant. He told me he used me as a rebound to get over his skinny ass blonde bimbo ex. But he couldn't. He tried to change me into her. When he failed at that too, he went running back to her behind my back. So go on... tell me you told me so?'

'Well you was a bit niave.' I slipped out the un-needed reply.

'Why are you so bothered anyway? Why do you care?'

'Because you're my best friend...' I looked around the room before dropping my head to look at the floor.

'There's more to it then that. You're always picking up the pieces when I shit on you time and time again. Why?'


'Go on...' Cheryl now bolted up right and glared right at me with her chocolate orbs.

Right. You asked so I'm gonna tell you. I'm in love with you. And I have been from day one. I treasure every given moment because I know we will never move past being friends. It kills me when these idiots hurt you because I can treat you so much better but you have to feel that way towards me and I know you don't and never will. Fuck cupid shooting his arrow... he just dropped a full love bomb on me.'

My eyes were streaming by this point and I felt nothing but a big gush of awkwardness come between me and my best friend. That wasn't what I wanted.

I fled. I fled for the nearest room to Cheryl's which was my office. Switching the light on and dimming it right down, I flopped into my office chair and nutted my head intentionally on the desk, letting my tears wet the solid pine wood.

Whilst thinking the worst of what would come out of mine and Cheryl's friendship, I didn't hear the door to my office open but the only thing that disturbed me from my flowing tears was Cheryl's husky voice.

'Come here babe, don't cry.'

The geordie beauty lifted my head and sat on the desk in front of me, placing her slim legs on either side of my leather chair. Her face was so close to me, that I could feel her hot breath on my skin.


'Mhmm?' Was all I could manage to say.

'Let's be together...'


'I want you...' Cheryl whispered as she pressed her lips gently onto mine.

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