Chapter 12 - Don't Want You Back

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'Chloe, please just go and leave me alone.' Cheryl pleaded me.

'No! Not until I tell you what you deserve to know!' I propped myself up against the door, using all my strength to keep it open as Cheryl was trying to close it on me.

'I already know too much. My heart can't deal with anymore!'

'Chez! I didn't do it to hurt you. In fact all I did last night was think of you! I'm not like all your ex's..'

'You're right! You're worse! It's over!' I heard a teary Cheryl croak as she found the last of her strength to close the door on me and lock it behind her, before hearing her slide to the ground and weep.

This made my heart wrench. I never wanted to make her cry. I never wanted to see her hurt. And to know that I was responsible for both of those things, made my heart break even more.

I had been with Cheryl for three and a half years, we were already engaged and had plans together for the future. Cheryl had gone out with a few friends previously and I thought she was meeting up Jean, her dreaded ex-husband, which made me kick off on one and leave her alone in her house for two weeks and didn't pick up to her numerous calls or get back to her countless texts. I had spent the whole two weeks living out of shabby bed and breakfasts, drinking whisky and drowning my sorrows. After only a few nights, I thought about going home to her but I knew how mad she was going to be. When I returned back to her, she thought I was having an affair with another woman and told me to leave. She wasn't so much angry, just more... hurt.

'Cheryl, please just hear me out! I'm sorry. I love you.' I started to shout through the door.

'Chloe, just go! I don't want you back!' was the most hurtful reply I had ever heard in my entire life.

I knew I wasn't going to get anymore out of her, which was why I decided that for now, it was best to walk away.

I trudged my way over to my black Audi R8, started up the engine and left the drive. I didn't know where I was heading to. I had nowhere else to go. I had left my parents home to go live with Cheryl in London. My mum and dad are a five hour drive away and I knew that I had to sort things with Cheryl before I made a huge decision to go back to my home ground.


A few hours had passed and I had found myself sat on a rusty looking bed in an old dingy looking hotel. I had my new bottle of Jack Daniels ready to pour out into a glass until my phone went off. I knew that sound more than any other and my heart started to race. It was the song that I had set for Cheryl's calls. Cheryl was calling me. I ran to my bedside table where my phone was thrown with my car keys upon entering the room.

'Cheryl? Are you alright?'

'Help!!' I heard her crying.

'What's up?!' I started to panic. 'Cheryl, speak to me. What's going on?'

Cheryl finally plucked up the courage to talk to me. This time it was almost a whisper. 'It's Jean. He's here. He broke in and hit me. I've hidden upstairs but if he finds me, I'm dead. I'm sorry I called you. I didn't know who else to ring.'

'It's okay, I'm on my way.' I panted as by this point I was already at my car trying to unlock it in the darkness of the night.

'No, don't approach him, you'll get hurt.'

'It will prove that I love you. Now stay where you're hidden, don't make a sound. I won't even be five minutes babe, I promise. I love you.'

'I love you too.' Came the reply that made my heart melt. I knew there was still hope for me.

Three and a half minutes later and I was already pulled up on our drive, where my car belonged. I didn't even lock the Audi before I charged through the door.

Jean was stood with a broken bottle in his hand. 'I knew you would come to the rescue at some point.' The aggressive man snarled.

'Do you get a joy out of terrifying women?! Do you like hurting them? Making them cry? Beating them up? Hmm? Do you?' I shouted as I stormed up to him.

'She fucking deserves it! She left me for you, another woman, and made me look like a right laugh!'

'Well maybe if you treated her with as much respect as I do then maybe she would still be playing happy families with you!'

And with that, Jean lifted his hand and attempted to hit me with the half of bottle but I ducked in time before prising the bottle out of his hand and kicking him in his private area. As he bent down to protect his 'glory', I kneed him in the face and bottled him across his head. He was laid out on the kitchen floor with blood trickling down the side of his face. I got hold of his arm and dragged him outside and left him to stagger away from the house before I quickly bolted the door and ran up the stairs hunting for Cheryl.

'Cheryl, Chez! He's gone now. It's safe to come out.' I called knocking on every closed door.

Then I heard the lock go to the en-suite bathroom of her bedroom. And there stood before me was my brunette beauty with a shattered heart. The poor girl looked exhausted and she had a new purple bruise upon her left eye. Her body was still trembling from the fright as she ran up and cuddled right into me.

'Shh, it's okay now baby. He's gone and I'm here.' I spoke softly, running my fingers gently through her hair and kissing the top of her head.

'Thank you so much. You're my biggest bravest soldier.'

I smiled so wide as I whispered. 'Take me back baby, let me look after you?'

The beautiful Geordie sighed before she spoke. 'Okay, I'll take you back.'

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