Story 3: Cheater (SMUT)

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Getting home from work on a late night. I was exhausted driving home. When I finally pulled up to the driveway, I saw another car parked in—a car I didn't recognize. Curious but too tired to even care what it was. Maybe it was just one of my boyfriend's friends, just chilling on the couch together. Anyway, I walked inside, and when I did, the first thing I saw were women's shoes, not mine. And women's jacket. I turned on the light, and then that's when I saw scattered clothes all over the house. 

"What the hell," I mumbled to myself.

That's when I heard noises coming from upstairs. I quickly ran upstairs. The sound was coming from the bedroom. I opened the door and saw my boyfriend having sex with another woman.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I yelled. 

Immediately, they noticed my boyfriend and me, and that other woman stopped what they were doing and covered themselves with the sheets.

"Babe, you're back," he said in a shocked tone.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS!!" I yelled at him.

"This is just a friend," he said.

I dropped my things and immediately broke down crying.

"W~Why," I cried out.

"I'm sorry, Rosé, I just got bored of you," he said.

"Pack your shit, and leave this house now," I said as my crying became angry.

My boyfriend and that woman put on their clothes. He grabbed his stuff and left this house. I wanted to lash out, throw something, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I fell onto the bed and cried my eyes out. I didn't want to be alone. 


Struggling to find my phone, I found it and looked through my contacts. I wanted just someone to be there, so I went through my contact list and found someone who's always been there for me, even in hard times.


*phone rings*

I got awoken to the sound of my phone ringing. Who is calling me at 11 P.M

*phone call*

Jimin: Hello

Rosé: Hey Jimin

Jimin: What's up

Rosé: Could you come over real quick

Jimin: Rosé, it's 11. What could you possibly have?

But that's when I heard Rosé sobbing through the phone. Those sounds got me sitting up on the bed and concerned.

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