Story 4: The One Night Stand (SMUT)

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"You girls ready for tonight," Jennie said as she was driving.

Jisoo, Lisa, and I screamed out.

"I'm so ready," I said.

"I'm ready to get fucking drunk," Lisa screamed out.

There was this new bar that opened up in the inner-city. Tonight was opening night, and we 4 decided to check the place out if it was legit.

"Wow, the place is packed," Jennie said as we parked in front.

Already people were lining up. 

*in the front*

"Sorry, kid, this is a fake ID," the bouncer said.

"Come on, just let me in," he said.

"I said no," the bouncer said.

"Let me in," the kid said.

The guy was trying to get in, but the bounder shoved him, making him fall to the ground. He got up and just ran away.

"Jeez, bouncers scare me," I said.

"Rosé, don't worry, you're over 21," Lisa said.

"Yeah, we'll be fine," Jisoo said.

When we got closer to the entrance, the bouncer checked out ID's

"Alright ladies, go right in," the bouncer said.

"Sweet," Jennie said.

When we walked in, the place was lit up well, with neon lights everywhere and people dancing. 

"Alright ladies, ready to have the time of our life," Jennie said.

"I wanna dance," Lisa said.

"Ooh, Jack Daniels bottle," Jisoo said.

"Okay, but let's stick~.

*Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie disappear*

~together," I finished my sentence.

Aish, these girls better not get into the trouble.


"Happy birthday, bro," I said to Jungkook.

"Yeah, dude, finally 21," Jin said.

"What is the surprise you guys are taking me," Jungkook asked.

"You know that bar in the that opened up," Taehyung said. "We're taking you there."

"You excited," I said as Jungkook's eyes lit up.

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