Story 9: Girlfriend Problems

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It was one day where my girlfriend Rosé and I were on the couch. I was on my phone scrolling through instagram.

"Ooh, this girl looks fine," I said giving it a double tap.

Immidiately, Rosé grabbed my phone.

"Who the hell is this bitch,'' Rosé yelled.

*Jimin's phone*

"What the fuck," Rosé was so confused

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"What the fuck," Rosé was so confused.

"Babe, chill, I'm on your instagram," I said.

"You scared me," Rosé pouted.


It was one night, Rosé and were watching a movie. This one actor, Rosé is the biggest fan of him. She could name all the movies he's in ever since he made his hollywood debut. Anyway, there was a scene where the actor has his shirt off. 

"Oh my god, he's so hot," Rosé said.

"Y~Yeah, he is," I felt insecure.

I have abs too Rosé, why don't you want to see that. As the movie progressed, I decided to tease Rosé. There was a scene, where a lady appeared in front of the actor. This was my chance.

"Damn, she's fine," I said.

Bad decision, I shit you not, Rosé paused the movie and got up from the couch.

"If you think she's fine, why don't you go date her. Go on follow her social media, like all her photos. Go on, fucking marry her if she's that fine, go on," Rosé yelled at me.

"Relax, I'm joking," I was shaking.

"You better not say that again," Rosé said and resumed the movie.

But she literally said another guy was hot, why can't it be vice versa. 


"Hey babe," Rosé said.

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