Story 8: Sleepover

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*face time*

Jennie: Hey girl

Rosé: Hey wassup

Jennie: Rosé, I'm having a sleepover this weekend. You in

Rosé: Fuck yeah, I'm down, let me tell my mom

Jennie: Okay, see you later tonight

Rosé: Who's coming

Jennie: Invited Jisoo and Lisa, and a few of the boys

Rosé: Is Jimin going to be there

Jennie: Yeah, why

Rosé: N~Nothing, nothing, okay see yah

Jennie: See yah

Oh god, why is Jimin going? He's going to be so distracting. Yes, I've had a crush on him for like eternity: his cute little smile and his personality. Maybe tonight was the night I should confess. Ah, no, Jimin might reject me.

 "Hey, mom, I'm going to Jennie's house for a sleepover this tonight," I replied.

"Okay, have fun," my mom said.

I packed my clothes and headed out to Jennie's house. When I got there, I knocked on the door.

*knock knock*

Expecting Jennie to be there, I wanted to say hi, but when the door opened. It was Jimin who was there.

"Oh, Jimin," I stuttered.

"Hey, Rosé," he smiled.

God, stop smiling; you're going to kill me even before the sleepover starts. 

"Are you here for the sleepover," he asked me.

"Oh yeah," I said and walked in.

Already, inside I see that Jennie had already begun the sleepover. The boys are in the living room playing video games, Lisa and Jisoo are making tik toks, and Jennie is setting up the party table.

"Hey, Rosé," Jennie said as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey Jennie, oh my god, food."

My attention was directed to Jennie had all these snacks on the table, including all my favorites. Already, I grabbed the plastic plates and started grabbing some snacks. 

"Woah, slow down," Jennie chuckled.

"Hey, food is life, okay," I said, munching on the puffy Cheetos. 

"Well, save some. I'm about to gather everyone around for a game of truth or dare," Jennie said.

"What," I said.

"What, why, I thought you liked truth or dare," Jennie said.

"Yeah, but with Jimin, you're the only other person who knows I have a crush on Jimin," I said. 

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