Story 6: Abusive Boyfriend

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It was a rainy night. I was sitting there crying on the couch as Jimin kept on yelling at me.

"Who was that," Jimin yelled at me.

"It was just a friend," I replied.

"Guy friends don't just hug girls like that," Jimin said. "WHO WAS THAT!! ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME, YOU SLUT!!" Jimin yelled.

"STOP, IT WAS JUST A FRIEND!!" I yelled back at him.

It didn't take long until Jimin got angry for raising my voice and slapped me across the face. Then he left and walked back upstairs. I don't know what happened to the old Jimin. The old Jimin wouldn't get mad at me for being with other guys, support my own opinion, and respect my decisions. Nowadays, he's been hurting me, I can't see anyone, would ask me where I would go, and if I did something he didn't like, he would hurt me. 


In the bedroom, I sat on the bed with my head down. I felt terrible hitting her, guilt was building in, but at the same time, I felt like she deserved it. What is she doing with another guy in the first place?

"Maybe, I should go apologize," I thought to myself.

I walked downstairs to her, who was still sobbing. 

"Hey, I'm sorry~

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Rosé yelled and threw a pillow at me.

"You know what? Screw you," I said and walked away.


My mental state was breaking. I believed that it wouldn't last very long if I stayed here for a few weeks. I need to get away from Jimin for a while. I know he's been the one being abusive, but I still cared about him. In some cases, I guess you could say I thought he was mean because I did deserve it. I did something to make him mad. 

*calling Lisa*

Lisa: Hey Rosé

Rosé: *sob* Lisa

Lisa: Hey Rosé, you okay

Rosé: N~No it's Jimin

Lisa: Did something happen

Rosé: He hit me

Lisa: Jeez, are you okay

Rosé: Yeah, can you come to pick me and up? Let me stay at your and Jungkook's house.

Lisa: Yeah, we'll come tonight

Rosé: Thank you

When I put my phone down, I walked upstairs to see Jimin, who was now passed out on the bed. I couldn't let him know that I was leaving, so I quietly packed a few of my clothes and out of the bedroom.


Lisa: Hey, we're outside. Come out now

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