Story 2: Attention

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"BABY!!" I heard Rosé.

"YEAH, WHAT IS IT!!" I yelled back as I was too focused on playing video games with Jungkook.

"GIVE ME ATTENTION!!" Rosé asked.


"WELL, I WANT MORE," I heard her whine.


Jimin, I want attention, pwease give me some. I walked over to him while he was playing and sat right next to him.

"Baby, what are you playing," I asked him.

Jimin didn't respond. He just continued to focus on his videos games.

"Hello," I said.

Just then, I began to sit on top of him, giving him kisses, but Jimin just pushed me.

"Can you get off me please," Jimin said.

Huh, you want to play that game. I went over to the closet and searched for things. I found a slinky, and bunch of books, and a nerf gun.

"This will do," I said to myself.

Slowly, I walked out of the closet and went to Jimin quietly. He's too focused on his game. This is my chance.

"TAKE THAT!!" I jumped out of my spot and began shooting bullets at him.

"AHHHHH!!! Babe, stop it," Jimin covered his face.

"Come stop me then," I giggled.

Jimin paused his game and set his controllers down. He then grabbed the nerf gun and tossed it over to the side. After that, he continued the play and sat down.

"Ehhhh," I made a whiney face. "You're no fun," and then I walked away.

There had to be something to get him, something, what is it. After some thinking, an idea popped into my head, but it was something dirty. This has to work. Again, I approached Jimin, who by now was already annoyed at my presence.

"Hey," I said again.

"What do you want," he asked in a very annoyed tone.

Slowly, I leaned against his shoulder, then placed my lips near his ear.

"Rosé, what are you doing~

"Daddy," I whispered in his ears.

Jimin stopped for a moment and stared at the TV for a moment. Slowly, my hand makes its way down to his crouch, but right in time for Jimin to stop my writing.

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