Story 5: Paper Airplanes

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One windy night in Busan, I sat by my window as the tree leaves fell and blew away, wondering where they went.

"Jimin," I heard my mom say.

"Yes, Eomma," I said.

"Did you brush your teeth," she asked me.

"Yes, Eomma," I replied.

"Okay, don't stay up too late. You have school tomorrow."

I didn't feel like sleeping. I always wondered where the leaves flew too. I got up from my bed and walked over to my desk, and grabbed my pencil and paper. 

Dear, someone

Hello, my name is Park Jimin. I'm a 10-year-old boy who lives in Busan Whoever gets this, I hope we can be friends.

From, Jimin

I then opened my window, shaping the paper into an airplane, and then threw it out the window. The wind blew it with the leaves. Then I went to sleep. 



One night, I was doing my homework in my room when suddenly, I heard something hit my window.

"What was that," I mumbled that.

I walked over to my window to see a piece of paper shaped in a paper airplane. I grabbed it and opened it up. Someone wrote a letter, an unknown person who wants to be a friend.

"Rosé," my mom came into my room.

"Yes, Eomma," I said.

"Ahh, what did I tell you about opening your window," my mom walked over and closed it. "I have no idea where these leaves are coming from."

I looked back at the note, whoever this unknown person was.

*grabs a piece of paper*

Dear, someone

Hi Jimin, my name is Park Chaeyoung or Rosie. That's what my family calls me. I live in Seoul, and I'm a 9-year-old girl. I guess that makes you Oppa, ha. I will be your friend.

From, Rosie

And then I formed a paper airplane and threw it out the window. 



"I got you, Tae," I said.

"No, you didn't," Taehyung replied.

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