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📬 you have mail


hello, this is maria.

what you're about to read is a fanfiction about yuqi and lucas. other (but not all) of their group members will be included.

take note that the characters in this book do not imitate, depict or mock how the artists are in real life. i write about fictional characters. if this book affects the way you look at the artists, kindly stop reading for your own sake. 

none of the chapters will include 18+ and/or mature content. bullying, m*fias and another triggering themes will be avoided.

lowercase intended. don't pay attention to dates or mentions of time. chapters are not written in chronological order; because there are different povs, two chapters can have the same events but from differnet perspectives. when the pov, time, or narrator changes, there will be a '↝' with the mentioned changes. some events in the story (fashion shows, festivals, etc) are mostly fictional; the only real event that happened was < keep running >.

i will make no statement regarding my stand on lucas' situation. this book also does not try to convince others to support / hate him.

that's all; enjoy!

x maria

mail has been read 📪

seventeen | lucas x yuqi ( under heavy editing )Where stories live. Discover now