a short prologue

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"Some people have hundreds of soulmates, don't they?" She hummed in response. "Then I will only have one", I declared. For the sake of all things good, my soulmate will not be my lover. They will be someone I love for who they are, and someone who loves me despite all my unloveable-ness.

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  Suddenly someone's hands covered my eyes. I placed my hands over theirs, musing who it could be.  Their fingers were long and narrow, a cold flower ring adorning their pinky. "Who is it?" I called. Not long after I felt a light kiss on my forehead followed with a barely audible whisper in my ear, "guess".  A smile spread across my face as I recognized his voice. I slightly rose on my toes to give him a quick hug, grinning like a fool when his hands detached from my face. "Hi."

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the second part of this prologue was inspired by this pin: https://pin.it/472a65p . i tried to change the words as much as possible to adjust to my storyline, and hope the changes made are sufficient. have any one any problems or concerns, please private message or comment.


chap one coming soon ~
reminder that i'll post smth once every two weeks, maybe twice if i have time :" 

x maria

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