the fifth chapter - a smiling maniac

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// new aesthetic , @, and bio !!
// happy november ^^ 
// short chapter but my fav one so far ~

:: xuxi "

the grass was damp where i placed the picnic mat.

the sun shined on my skin, warming my entire body as I placed all my weight on my elbows.

"excited for Keep Running?" sicheng and i have been spending as much time as we could with one another before I had to permanently reside in the rental housing for two months. the producers wanted all cast members, permanent and otherwise, to not have any scandals while the show would be filmed AND streamed.

gege promised to visit, a result of my begging, so I needn't worry on being lonely. "most excited to see everyone again since it's been so long. the cast's like my third family, after my biological one and wayv."

"yixing hyung's gonna be in beijing soon for some filming so i hope we can see him." he sighed. the complications between the chinese government and the company caused all the staff and board members a lot of stress for over two weeks.

i stretched on the picnic mat, opening a can of soda and my phone.

Kakao Talk: 2 notifications from 'Hendery'

"yukhei she's in love with you, and i'm a hundred percent sure ur in love with her too"

i scoffed - i didn't even know what love was. bold of him to assume i was in love at such a young age, with a person i've never met.

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my quarantine's finally over and i've been able to explore the city. china's more beautiful than i remember it to be. parks I spent my childhood in are either flourishing or closed down, yet they hold so much nostalgia. many of my neighbors and old playmates have grown up and moved out; how fast the world moves!

seeing my parents is wonderful; is it mean to say it feels like i never felt? korea's always gonna be my country, but china is home. you know, Luca, on the plane ride here i did exactly as i said i would: i looked out the window (very very dramatically- i felt like i was the lead of a heartbreaking music video) and thought of where you were. seoul became a city of lights, which eventually blurred as the plane travelled higher.

because I couldn't have possibly imagined where you were, try to imagine where I was. a child, maybe twelve, was travelling alone in the front of the plane and 5 University of Seoul students were sleeping in the middle of the plane. poor kids- i bet they spent their nights cramming and worrying about their future.

the university students have me thinking about you. you once said you majored in an artistic course, do you go to their university? or do you go to a school that focuses on art? do you spend your nights cramming and worrying about your future? my questions are too personal, I assume.

Luca, if i can be a help or strength for whatever you're going through, let it be through this- i thought of you. i think of you- you occupy my thoughts and i know for a fact you aren't worthless. and i've never seen you in real life but i just know you have a very beautiful smile. please keep smiling. till next time,

x daisy "

i closed my phone, laying down on the picnic mat as i closed my eyes. "yukhei, you're such a weirdo." i chuckled at win ge. "smiling like an idiot and laughing at his hyung," he scoffed. "wong yukhei is a certified smiling maniac."

hi i hope u liked this chap ~ i was able to write a lot in my ntbk the other day when i didnt have my laptop but now that i typed everything i wrote, it looks like i didnt write a lot >:(  and to think i was so proud of myself for writing what i thought was a lot. n e way i must discuss which plot twists to push through with and which to eliminate with my amazing team (which consists of me, my brain, and my dog plushie). see u and take care <33
x maria

seventeen | lucas x yuqi ( under heavy editing )Where stories live. Discover now