the second chapter - we're all family here in sm town

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// Huang Xuxi is Lucas' Cantonese name
// for clarification his Mandarin name is Wong Yukhei, and his english name is Lucas Wong
// Louis and Leon are both cats who live in wayv's dorm; in total they have 3 pets
// enjoyyy this chap!!

"YangYang please!" I embarrassingly begged.

"Yukhei," he sighed. "I would do it if I had the time, you know that. But I don't wanna be busy with low low and this convoy thing. Sorry gege."

"Dejun?" I faced him, my next victim. "I'll do all your chores when we get back!"

He stuck his tongue out slightly. Meanie.

I tugged at my hair gently. "Kun Hang?"

At the very edge of the living room, Hendery sat like he was deep in thought. "I can take photos of the letters your oh so precious Daisy sends you on one condition." To be expected from him. "I can use the gaming setup in your room while you're in China. Do we have a deal?"

Win ge looked annoyed. "Yah! This doesn't include my side of the room, right? Because when we get back I'll need it to be the exact way it looks now."

Hendery rolled his eyes, "Yes your room will be the way it is now. I won't leave a mark, promise." Winwin nodded, and went back to packing.

Having Hendery take photos of the letters my penpal sent wasn't the worst thing, and I doubt he would read them unless he was very very bored- which is almost never. I just felt bad cause, well, we'd be in China at the same time but I'd have to pretend I wasn't.

"Time to set the table!" our housekeeper called us. She was always very caring, but liked to make sure we had our fair share of chores.

I looked for an excuse. "Halmuni, I have to finish packing!" Not entirely a lie; I just hoped it would get me out of setting the table.

She kept quiet and just nodded while patting Louis. Fluffy little meow.

I started to put clothes into my suitcase, roaming the room to see what I might have forgotten. And that was when I remembered something - the letters. Also the reason behind why I needed someone to take photos of the envelopes that would continue being delivered to the dorm. I locked my door quietly and dug behind some books in the bookshelf for the box.

Clang. I heard it. Trying to get it through, a letter fell. I read the first words.

"I'm going through a hard time and I have no one I can talk to. A lot of people can relate to my pain but now I'm lonely, and no one knows what I'm going through. I miss my family, who I'm separated from because of the pandemic. Please, someone, talk to me. Yours, Luca."

That was the first letter I sent to a random Seoul address two months ago, and I didn't even think someone would respond. But someone did, she did. My penpal was going through a confusing patch as well, confused people we were. Being there for each other was enough, and even though we couldn't disclose everything, I learnt enough to make a friend.

Back then, I struggled with all the rumors and pressure. Why did others want to know about our private lives? I'm sure everyone has parts of us we don't share, even to our closest friends.

Sigh. To think so many people struggle with this. Carefully putting all the letters back in the box and into my suitcase, I ran outside because I heard a knock.

"Noonas!" I shouted, happy to be able to see them before leaving.

I hugged them tightly. "We've missed you."

Joohyun-noona smiled and Sooyoung yawned. Typical girl, always busy.

"Thanks for opening the door Xuxi, is everyone home?" Joohyun noona started unpacking take out.

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "If you mean Yangyang and his German chocolates, yes. If there's a one in a million chance you're talking about your beloved namja-dongsaengs, we're all home as well, and Injun came over for lunch."

Joy's resting figure on the couch dramatically sighed. "Three extra people for halmuni (the housekeeper) to take care of? No one can handle the seven of you and now the universe expects her to be sane at ten. Tsk tsk tsk." She shook her head in feigned disappointment.

I slightly stuck my tongue out at her. "We've been doing our chores!" Seeing is believing was always something they went by, and I knew I was a lost cause.

"Joohyunnie-noona!" a too-familiar high pitched voice made its way from Yangyang's room and was immediately embraced as though he hadn't been seen in years. Renjun is another Winwin, Kun ge would always say. [If u don't understand, basically all the nct members are simps and have a soft spot for Winwin. Recently, the same treatment's been given to renjun!]

"Omo, Joy noona how much sleep did you get? You have eyebags," he was filled with genuine concern. I smiled at the little angel.

Irene scoffed and shook her head. "She spent the night messaging her lover boy and so she woke up late and had to rush to a photoshoot. Poor girl hasn't even had breakfast yet."

Sooyoung pouted "I got croissants for breakfast after the shoot, promise! And he isn't my lover boy", her joking glare made its way to Joohyun noona.

"Who's this lover boy I've never heard of?" Dejun came straight from waking up to put utensils on the table. "Noonas these noodles look good by the way!"

"No one" "Shin Hyo-" they both answered at the same time. I sighed, what confusing people they are.

"Invite me to the wedding!" Ten hyung teased, as he entered the front door with grocery bags.

Rolling her eyes, Sooyoung stood up to get ready to eat, saying "Yes, yes, yes, my wonderful siblings, let's just eat!"

"For we are all family here in sm town" we responded in chorus, imitating what Lee Soo Man sunbaenim would tell us all the time.

Halfway through eating and talking about everyone's days, Irene noona started complaining about someone she ran into this morning.

"I was gonna get a taxi to go here, but there were none in sight. So I looked up the street and there was one rounding the corner so I adjusted my mask to make sure it covered my nose. Right at that second, a large hand grabbed the handle!" She had a way of telling stories that captivated everyone listening, no matter how crazy the story she was telling. "

"That man saw me walking towards that specific taxi and purposely tried to steal it!"

We gasped - no one messes with Irene noona. Impatient, Renjunie jokingly asked what we'd all wondered: "What did you do to him? Kick? Murder?"

She laughed, "Pabo! I couldn't murder him with so many people watching. Eventually he left, not without muttering 'a taxi stealing madwoman'. At least he'll remember me by something." Noona shrugged and continued eating.

Watch them fall in love. 

you better have liked this chap; i included red velvet bc i miss them and realized they prolly won't hv a cb until after (if they do, that is) renew their contracts. missing them :" anyhooo a lot more chaps coming up next week bc i'll be on break. see u then! x maria

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