the fourth chapter - never to know identity unknown

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// bet u can't say the chap title three times fast
// if u dont know this is the letter she wrote in the ending of the last chap
// yuh u better enjoy this cause i wrote this at 1am when i had 7 pending works🤢
// y'all better take me for what im worth 😪
// joke ½ love u mwah have a good day and go slay
x maria

:: xuxi "


i'm in quarantine now and it's, well - uneventful. how are you spending your days? i'm sorry your professor's sending so much work, i'm sure they're stressful.

you asked if i went to school, since i never talked about it since we started writing to each other. we promised not to reveal our identities and i think what i study/do for a living's a big part of mine. i will keep it quiet for now, even though i hope one day we can meet in person and talk honestly.

i'm figuring out what I wanna do for the rest of my life, and i'm doing my best to manage it. Luca, thank you for being concerned and for being here for me. there isn't one stable thing in my life besides Beyonce's high notes and our conversations. i can't put into words how happy they make me."

after this line, daisy used a different colored pen to continue her letter.

"oops! I fell asleep last night. but as I was saying: thank you. i only hope that i can be half a source of strength and comfort and confidence as you are to me. so thank you, thank you, thank you. till next time,

x, daisy."

i smiled at her letter. that was always something she knew how to make me do so easily - smile.

checking the wayv group chat, i got messaged something i didn't think i would hear in my entire life.

"take care of yourself noona".  me, in the ripest years of my life? a noona?

~ the group chat in question ~

xiaojun: take care of yourself noona
ten :  🤦‍♂️
kun : 🤦‍♂️
winwin: 🤦‍♂️
hendery: ??
yangyang: ??

what a group of weirdos. looking up from my phone, i saw my manager walking towards me. "xuxi, do you want me to take you back to the hotel ? sicheng's gonna start taking his photos now and since you're done you can go back."

i thought about it quickly, but chose to stay. "i'll just encourage him while he takes photos" was my excuse. in reality, i sat at an empty corner of the photo studio. there were bags upon bags of equipment, but it proved perfect as a hiding spot. i started writing.

i swear i keep changing my writing format :" first there were the star separators and all sentences started capitalized, now neither of those are happening and i have smth going on for the pov?? wow a writer who can do all, aren't i so amazing ? anyhoos apologies if it's hard to read or understand but im in the process of differentiating writing for instagram and writing for wp :(
x maria

seventeen | lucas x yuqi ( under heavy editing )Where stories live. Discover now