the sixth chapter - after so long

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// fun fact this was the first chap i wrote!!
// if u dont alr know what happens here happened in the prologue just switch pov bc im swag like that
// swag

:: yuqi "

i arrived at the Keep Running housing area an hour ago, walking around with my manger. there were many small, traditional houses with about four bedrooms each. through the windows, i noticed that some bedrooms had one bed each, often times two. as was in a written agreement between me and the company, i always slept in a room with manager Hyejim, who i'm close to, or one of my members. 

thanks to this agreement, no one besides my members - and manager Hyejim, of course - had to see my struggle. with what exactly? insomnia. 

in the middle of the housing area, there was a house significantly larger than the others i saw. i assumed it was where we'd have meals, play games, rest and the like. 

everything looked pretty decent, and the cast and crew were all expected to be in by tomorrow afternoon. staff were limited and i was excited to see the rest of the cast!

:: a while after "

i finished unpacking my suitcases, my outfits for the next month already in a closet. not knowing where hyejin unnie (my manager, if you forgot) was, i left out shared room and walked into the huge garden - only to come across everyone's favorite sunbae and older brother.

"yah, jackson ge! i missed you!" his head turned, hearing my shouts. he looked confused. did he not know where this beautiful voice came from ?  "yah, it's yuqi!"

he faced me and stuck his tongue out, walking to where i stood on the grass. "of course i'll remember my favorite dongsaeng." i jokingly rolled my eyes, although it was comforting to see friends after so long. 

ding, ding

a giant bell rang twice, for luncheon i assume. "gege, i'll get something in my room. but i'll see you at the dining hall!" i turned around, and before i knew what was going on everything went black.

:: lucas "

winwin ge dropped me and manager hyung off, even though he's planned on making a cameo in one of the episodes. taking my las suitcase from the trunk of a rented car, i exhaled in exhaustion. something, or should i say- someone, caught my eye. "hyungs, go to lunch! i'll catch up soon, i just need to do something quick." 

i softly ran to an open area in the huge garden, slowing to a tiptoe when i was right behind one of the people i missed the most during the quarantine. winking to jackson hyung, i waited for yuqi to turn around before i put my hands gently over her eyes. her mouth formed an 'o' as she put her warm fingers over my cold ones. "who is it?" her voice echoed. 

i chuckled, lightly pecking her forehead before whispering "guess" in her ear. her face displayed a smile and i just knew she recognised my voice. tiptoe-ing to give me a hug, i felt her grin on my jacket after i removed my hands from her face.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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