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I sighed and took his hand. "Sorry. Really. You are still a precious person to me, I promise. But this-", I pointed back and forth between us, "-doesn't work anymore. And... I... I decided to move." His face dropped. He looked sad before, but now he was shocked, heartbroken and a bit angry. I sighed once more, realizing how well I knew him. "Move?", he repeated in disbelief and I nodded. "I need a new start. I am sorry." "Sorry? You are sorry for what exactly? Breaking my heart, crumbling my life into pieces or for leaving me behind after creating all this mess?" I gulped. "Everything", I whispered and got on my tiptoes to blow one last kiss on his cheek. Then I turned around and ran away, ignoring his pleading for me to stay longer. Ignoring how it grew from surprised to angry to desperate. Our hearts would heal. I knew this was the right decision. All it needed was time and some space. I was so sure of it.


"Excuse me?", I heard behind me and flinched. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize someone coming closer. "Yes?", I asked and turned around fully to face the person. I tilted my head surprised. He was gorgeous. "Are you planning to go all the way to Seoul?", he asked and -unable to form words- I nodded. "How about sharing a ticket then? It's cheaper", he went on. "S-Sure", I smiled. "Perfect", the other one grinned and held out his hand. "I'm Hui." "Akari", I smiled while shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you." "Likewise."

Beauty and the mafia (Pentagon's Hui Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now