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Akari's POV

I sighed as I put the old newspaper aside. Naturally, the breakout had caused quite some trouble. We were lucky to call Yongguk the only person ever growing suspicious of us. A few hours after hearing the news, he had showed up to my apartment. After some rather common questions, he inspected me closely. "I can't help but think you were part of the coup", he had said. I only had shrugged my shoulders and answered: "I can't help but think you are a good cop." He had looked at me a bit longer but never brought his suspicion up again. Not towards my friends, his colleagues nor me. I smiled knowingly thinking back to that moment. I was sure Yongguk had also confronted Youngjae about it, remembering the car division from that day. Maybe Youngjae had told him about Yuta's mercy and for some reason, Yongguk then decided to keep quiet. As I told Yuto about my thoughts about that, he had mumbled something about somebody called Himchan, but I didn't get what he meant. I got up and put the newspaper from that certain day in my folder and hid it again. Being a mafia or not – I had developed a characteristic of collecting my every coup mentioned in the newspaper. And this was my first and probably only korean one. Probably...


I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh evening air. Hui wanted to pick me up on my last day of my part-time job. I checked my watch. Hui might just be a bit too late. I grinned and shook my head. As always. I let my eyes wander over the crowd as they got locked on a well-known figure disappearing in a empty alleyway. My curiosity drew me to him and I followed soon after. He was leaning against a wall and smirked as I entered the way behind him. "I knew you would come", he said and I started to grin as I saw my suspicion being right. "Nakamoto Yuta", I answered, "Nice to see you again." "Likewise", he replied. "Did everything go well in Japan for you?", I asked and he nodded. "We're expanding to Korea now. Because of that, I came here and thought I might just stop by to tell you my gratitude personally. So: Thank you a lot, Adachi Akari." My smile widened upon his words: "No worries, my friend." He grinned back: "Also, my friend" – I chuckled – "just as I could count on you back then, I am here to tell you that you can count on me as well. Whatever you need – let me now. I'll be there for you." I nodded gracefully: "I know. One problem left." He raised an eyebrow and I explained: "How to find you?" He laughed shortly and looked at me playfully: "I know you, Akari. You'll always find a way." "Maybe", I teased him but grew serious again right afterwards: "However, thanks. I really appreciate that." Yuta implied a bow and then said: "And now I have to leave. And you should, too. Hui's probably waiting for you." He hesitated a bit before adding: "Don't leave him. He's the right one for you – unlike me." I nodded: "I won't." Yuta waved a goodbye and turned around as I noticed something. "My greetings to Sakura", I chuckled as I saw the tattoo, "Or whoever she is." I remember him rambling about how he always wanted a tattoo with meaning. And he told me he would get one related to the girl he wanted to marry. He looked over his shoulder and chuckled before leaving without another word. "Sakura", I thought to myself, "It surely is Sakura."

I stepped out of the alleyway in high spirits, only to jump and squeal as somebody suddenly peeled out of the shadows next to me. The other one laughed and I immediately recognized him. "Hui!", I scolded him which made him laugh even more. I rolled my eyes and nudged him. "That was mafia-worthy", I mumbled. "Yuto showed me some tricks", my boyfriend confessed. I should have known. "I see", I said and moved closer to him as he put his arm around me. "So, let me conclude what I just witnessed", he said and I looked at him puzzled: "What did you witness though?" "Sush", he said, "I was about to tell you. My girlfriend is not only a former to-be-mafia boss, she is also the ex of and friends with -according to Yuto at least- the now most powerful mafia boss in Japan. The appointed one is furthermore expanding to Korea and just promised my lady to help her out whenever. I should be jealous, yet I don't have to since Yuta himself said I am the right one for you and not him. And not to forget: He seems to have a girlfriend himself – however you found that one out." I stopped and looked at him grinning: "So we're good?" "Absolutely", Hui answered and kissed me.

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