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Hui's POV

"Stay still", Yuto complained as I started to walk in circles again. "I can't", I gave back, "Some criminal keeps my girlfriend hostage and all we are doing right now is waiting for some dude. We're wasting time." "We're not. Rushing things now could make the situation even worse. Apart from that, she's Yuta's hostage. He won't harm her." "What do you mean?" "They're... friends" "Oh, so friends just casually kidnap each other?" "No but... Never mind. Just trust me." I raised an eyebrow but before I could lecture him, the doorbell rang and I jumped. It was Yongguk. Another guy stood next to him. "There you are", Yuto greeted him and then turned to the other one. "That's the newbie", Yongguk said and the appointed one reached out his hand: "Daehyun. Nice to meet you."

A bit later, we sat in my kitchen. "Did you get the job then?", Yuto asked Yongguk and this one nodded. "Meaning Daehyun is my partner this time." "Don't forget Youngjae", the other one said, "He plays an important role." "Who's that?", I asked confused. "My friend", Daehyun grinned proudly. Yongguk sighed: "Those two wanted to prove something. They snug him into Yuta's gang even before the bankrob." He turned to his partner and emphasized: "Which is unbelievably stupid considering how unexperienced you both are and how high the risk is." Daehyun pouted. "No, it's great", Yuto said enthusiastically. Yongguk raised an eyebrow. "That means we have an advantage", he continued. "It also means somebody's life is endangered", Yongguk opposed. "It's too late anyways", Daehyun sulked. "He's right", I spoke up, "And we should do something soon. So, what's the plan?" "First of all, we will need the given information from Youngjae", Daehyun shrugged, "But it would be a high risk if I go there and get it since a short background check would show that I am a policeman." "We thought, maybe you could go", Yongguk turned to Yuto, "You know how to act." Yuto nodded: "I think I can do that easily." "I'll give you back-up", Yongguk promised and turned to me, "And you will go with Daehyun. You'll have to answer some question about the whole incident anyways." I nodded.


Yuta's POV

I played with my pen, unable to form a useful thought as somebody knocked on the door. I sat up straight, before ordering the other one in. It was Youngjae. "I'll be leaving now, sir", he said and I nodded. "Anything I can do for you beforehand, sir?" I shook my head. He nodded and closed the door again. I sighed and turned to the paper in front of me again. "We have the money", I murmured to myself, "But how to move on?" Suddenly I heard a loud thump from the next room. I flinched, realized it and jumped up, headed towards Akari's room. I threw open the door and saw here looking back at me. "Thought so", she muttered and turned away. "What the heck?", I asked and looked around, "What happened?" "I just wanted to test something", she said, "I thought you were in a room nearby and therefore threw a book against the wall." I shook my head. "Clever", I admitted, "Anything you want then?" She shook her head and I sighed. "You're tired?", I went on. This time she nodded. "Need a coffee?" "Nope." "Cola?" "Nah." "Anything else?" "Already told you no." Even if she didn't mean to, she always came off slightly annoyed by everything when she was tired. You shouldn't take it personal. "Okay... In that case... I'll leave now." "Goodbye." Her back was still facing me. I walked towards the door. "Wait", she stopped me as I reached out for the door handle. I turned back and she looked at me, rubbing her arm. "Thanks", she whispered, "For yesterday. I guess, I hate you a little less again." I smiled and nodded: "No worries, Akari." Afterwards, I returned to my desk.


Hui's POV

"Are you sure that it is relevant?", I asked the policeman in front of me. "No, it isn't", Daehyun sighed, "Jongup just ran out of questions and doesn't want to admit it." "You never knew, maybe knowing her favourite beverage could be of use some day", Jongup defended himself. "Very unlikely, my friend", Daehyun said and shook his head, "However. Hui?" I looked at him. "I will introduce you to Junhong now. Afterwards, you'll know all the people who you can trust in that case." I nodded and Daehyun motioned me to get up. We went outside and into another building. A shooting area as I realized shortly afterwards. There were a few people standing there. Daehyun waved to someone and a tall young guy came over. That must be Junhong. We moved away from the others until we were out of their hearing range. Daehyun introduced us and then turned to me: "He will show you the basics of shooting now. You'll never know when you need it." My eyes widened and he tried to calm me down: "Don't worry, we're not planning on taking you along to the actual mission. But like I said – You'll never know. We want to be prepared." "Okay", I agreed, "Let's do this then."


Yuto's POV

"What makes you so anxious about this Youngjae-dude anyways? He seems like he's pretty much fine. He knows what he does", I wanted to know. Yongguk sighed. "The exchange went perfectly fine", he admitted. "So?", I investigated further. "Do you remember Himchan? He also was in the military, together with your brother and me." "Yeah, how is he doing by the way?" "Not at all anymore. He died while being undercover. A mafia boss killed him after figuring out he was a traitor. Worst of all, I was his partner. I helped him get in. I never really forgave myself for it. I just don't want the same happening to Daehyun. It's cruel."


Akari's POV

I couldn't help but thinking about yesterday. It felt like the good old days between Yuta and me. Not that I was feeling affection towards him again, yet I realized that we still had that connection we always had since becoming friends. And I actually missed him as a friend. After Sura, he was my other real friend and it hurt to lose him. I wondered if we could actually keep this up. And then I remembered I was his hostage. Friends usually don't kidnap each other. He must have had another plan. And I needed to figure it out. Maybe there was a way out of this without serious damage. Because by the end of the day, I was pretty certain somebody would be harmed. I picked up the book from earlier again. Should I ask him to come over? Or should I wait until he came himself? Pondering about it, I heard the door open and immediately dropped the book. I heard Yuta laugh before I turned to him. "Did you miss me already?", he asked. Playing along, I smiled sweetly: "It just gets so boring, being here all along." To my surprise, he nodded and replied: "I guess so. And I am sorry." I furrowed my brows and approached him. "It's ok", I encouraged him, "At least I get good food and books to read." I noticed a bunch of paper in his hands and pointed to it curiously: "What's that? A new book for me?" He chuckled but it sounded sad. It made me worry if I was being honest. Then he looked up and I saw desperation in his eyes. "I need your expertise, Akari", he confessed.

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