Breaking out

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Yuta's POV

As I finally was able to get into my cell, I almost forgot about Hui's words. Almost. Scanning the covered areas of the cameras swiftly, I covered the pillow with my back and pulled it aside. A little piece of paper could be seen. I picked it up discreetly and laid down on the bed, my back still facing the camera. I unfolded it. Only one word was written on it: "Tonight." That's it? No way. I turned it around to indeed find something else: "Akari, Hui, Yuto, Youngjae" So, those really were the ones I could trust. I sighed. I hope it worked. But I also trusted Akari. And I knew how good Yuto and Youngjae were...


Akari's POV

I inspected the second key. "He really made it look alike. It should work", I concluded as I handed it back to Yuto who had been to an unofficial key service to remake the key to Yuta's cell door. Nobody would ask them about making a key. And even if – a bit of money was needed to shut them up. Money that we had. "But just in case", I continued and went through my handbag, "Take this as well." "Alright", Yuto nodded and took the hairpin out of my hand. I sighed and looked at him. "Good luck", I said honestly. "Thanks. Likewise, sis", he replied and I grinned. "We'll be fine. Just don't get caught", I said, though knowing very well how good he was. I put my arm around Hui. "Let's go then", I said and we set off for the car.

Just as expected, Eunkwang was continuously feeling unwell, making him drop out of his shift. I felt bad for him but it had to be. Youngjae had to keep up with his hours anyway, so he volunteered to replace. We would park a bit away, Yuto would text Youngjae and Hui, this one suggesting his colleague to do a control walk around the rooms. He was higher up in ranks so the latter one would do as told. Meanwhile, Yuto would break in through the police station over the window. He had exactly five minutes to get past Youngjae while I would have to freeze the cams on the agreed route – which was the opposite from the usual control route Youngjae's colleague would be taking. So far, so good. "The window is still open", Hui declared after checking the text he got from Youngjae's phone. As soon as this was over, I would have to delete all the messages sent back and forth for good so that even experts couldn't find a trace of them anymore.

Yuto turned off the engine and turned to us: "Showtime", he grinned and I could feel the excitement in his voice taking over me. "Let's go", I agreed and we got off, my brother taking his required bag with him and putting on gloves. We sat down on a park bench nearby the station. Near enough to freeze the cams, far enough to avoid suspicion. A bit later, Yuto send Hui the text that signalled me to start freezing cams. I took over Hui's phone. "Too bad, Yuta's men crushed mine", I hissed while trying to cope with the unfamiliar layout. But I managed to freeze all needed cameras, one after one. "Do you think it will work?", Hui asked me. "It has to", I muttered, still concentrating on my task. "I hope so or we all be in trouble", he sighed. I turned to him for a second: "Trust them, baby. They know what they're doing." He nodded and I returned to the phone.


Yuta's POV

I couldn't sleep yet pretended to do so as I heard somebody nearing my cell. I opened an eye and saw Yuto standing in front of my cell's door, motioning me to be quiet. Then he took out a key and easily opened the cell door. I couldn't help but wonder how they managed to do all that. Leaving the door open, he rushed inside and came over. "Get up", he hissed and placed his bag on the bed. Outside, the chattering started again. Then he started to set up a puppet that probably should look like me still lying in the bed. I smirked. They really thought about everything. I wondered what they'd done about the cameras. However, I had no time to wonder because as soon as Yuto finished, he turned to me and started to whisper: "No time to lose. The longer Akari freezes the screen, the higher the risk. We now will walk over to the guard's desk again and signal Youngjae something. He placed himself in a way that he is able to see us coming. Plan A: He drops something and while they pick it up, we'll leave. That is the option which gives you more time. Plan B in case someone sees us: Knocking out the other guard and tying them up together so nobody can get suspicious of Youngjae. Got it?" I nodded. "Good. Let's go."

We tiptoed over to the door and Yuto checked the outside. After signalling me that everything was clear, I followed him outside in the hallway. We walked closer to the door, separating the hallway from the guard's room. Indeed, Youngjae was facing us even though he didn't look towards us. Yuto gave him an ok-sign and he got up, bending over a desk and accidentally hitting a box of pencils. "Darn it, sorry", he said and started to collect the ones on the desk. Yuto turned around to me as soon as the other policeman crawled under the table and we started to sneak outside – fast, but silent. Good thing, the desk was closed on all three sides to prevent some of the meanest tricks criminals sometimes used. We reached the door without anyone except Youngjae seeing us. He only gave us a short thumbs up. Yuto motioned me to follow him and rather sooner than later, I climbed out of a toilet window. Akari's brother followed after cleaning the window to get rid of fingerprints. "Let's move", he whispered and we started to run.


Akari's POV

"They're out", I sighed and Hui looked at me. "Everything went fine", I smiled reading Yuto's next message. I stopped the camera freezing. After deleting the program I started deleting the messages on Hui's phone. Yuto would come over later at night to get rid of them as well. Youngjae had gotten detailed instructions on how to do that since I probably wouldn't be able to do it myself soon enough. I got up and offered my boyfriend a hand: "We should get going as well", I said. Hui nodded and arm in arm we left for our apartments. By feet, this time.


Yuta's POV

"I'll drive you to the airport now", Yuto instructed me, "In the bag I have a disguise and a flight ticket for you. You'll reach your home at around 3am. Let's hope nobody reported you by then. But Youngjae said they usually only check on the inmates when it's shift change – in this case at dawn. Afterwards, you're on your own again." I nodded. "Thanks. To all of you", I muttered. Yuto looked at me shortly. "Don't mention it", he then said. But we both knew that it had to be mentioned.


Akari's POV

Hui woke me as Yuto arrived. We had decided to wait for him together. And even though I tried to keep myself awake with coffee, I soon fell asleep on the kitchen table. Now, I stretched and yawned, motioning my younger brother to give me his phone. "Let's get this over with", I mumbled sleep-drunkenly and started deleting all the messages properly. "Greetings and a big thank you to both of you from him", my brother said and I saw that he texted the exact same to Youngjae. "Did you get to the airport in time?", Hui asked and Yuto nodded. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I pressed the last "Ok"-button. "We're done", I said and looked at the other two. "Let's go to bed", I suggested and not even waiting for their answer, I wandered over to my room.


Hui's POV

"I guess, I'll leave then", I said to Yuto but he shook his head. "It's alright", he said, "The couch is big enough for both of us. You can crush here." Thankful, I sighed and we started to set up blankets and all. It was 2am as we finally fell into our improvised beds.


Youngjae's POV

Following Akari's instructions, I deleted the last of my suspicious messages. We were done. Finally. "Your life for mine", I whispered before unlocking the bathroom door and returning to Minhyuk and the guard's office.

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