Chapter Two

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Soryu's side

Yuki woke slowly and just as she woke, she slowly sat up. A yawn escaped her mouth. Her little balled up fists rubbed her eyes. Slowly she spoke "Soryu? Why is everyone in our room? Did I over sleep?"

I felt myself blushing.

"Oh my god! Ota, she's freaking adorable," Baba practically jumped up and down.

I looked to Yuki and she was looking up at me. I patted her head and she said "Soryu? Who do you look so much bigger? Why is my voice so high? Wait? When did Ota start taking pics of me? Somebody answer me!"

Kishi brought a mirror and Yuki thanked him. As soon as she took it, a gasp was heard. She put the mirror down and ran.

"Yuki! Hold on," I called.

Everyone still shocked couldn't grab Yuki. Quickly We all followed her. For about an hour we couldn't find her anywhere. I was worried. What could be going through her mind? Was she okay? Suddenly I heard something and I motioned for everyone to be quiet. I looked around and I looked to the others. Baba pointed towards a cabinet. I ran up to it and got on my knees. I opened it and found Yuki. I breathed a sigh of relief. She looked and scooted or tried to get as far from me. I don't understand why she's trying to get away from me. I spoke softly "Yuki? Yuki, it's okay. No ones going to hurt you. Come on out. Please Yuki."

"N-no. Not scared of Soryu or others. I don't want to be a....child. When I was younger, mom never had a guy, so I use to be scared of them. I've never seen a good man or men, until I met you guys."

That broke my heart. She put on a tough act than every day. Carefully I reached a hand in and with a meaningful smile I said "I'll protect you Yuki. We all will. I love you."

Suddenly she crawled out and hugged me. I held her in a tight embrace. Never would any one touch my Yuki.

A/N: Wow...Yuki has a past right? This took a lot to finally finish.

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