Chapter Eight

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A/N: Don't be mad guys :_(

Ota's side

     Kishi and I finally came up with a plan. We decided to shut the hotels power off, so the camera's in the lounge would shut off. All the guest were alerted. The lights were going out in The lights went out. Quickly we grabbed the camera with a glove that doesn't leave traces. We had a baggie to put the camera in. We got it and left. The power turned back on. We high fived and cheered. We tried to call Baba but, he wasn't answering his phone. Eisuke's went straight to voicemail. I was nervous. They should have already made it to there destination. Kishi managed to get a hold of Soryu "Hey, you won't believe this. Ota and I found a little bug in the lounge. Were-"

Kishi was interrupted and then he continued "Yeah. We didn't know how to get the camera without whoever was watching to see. We shut the power on and off. We grabbed the camera and Ota and I are taking it to the lab. Were going to get some finger prints. Hopefully it'll lead us to that bastard."

I couldn't hear and Kishi was nodding and then he spoke "Have you got a hold of Baba and Eisuke? They haven't answered us."

Soryu's side

"What do you mean they aren't answering you?"

I was home and was tucking Yuki in bed.

"Its exactly what I mean. Eisuke's phone goes straight to voice mail and Baba's rings and rings but, nothing."

I sighed and said "Who knows? They probably have their hands full. Give me a call when-"

I heard a crash downstairs. I grabbed my gun and said "Kishi."

"Soryu? Hey, what's going on?"

"Kishi, I'm not alone. I need to go."

"Soryu! Get the hell out if there!"

I hung up. I stood up from the bed and aimed my gun at the door. Suddenly, the door sprang open. I got caught off-guard. Two men launched at me. One had me pinned and I was hitting him. The man yelled "Get the kid! I'll deal with him!"

Yuki. My eyes widened and anger swelled up. I thrashed with the man and said "Just like that Ichinomiya. What a bastard."

Eisuke? I glared and said "What the hell are you talking about?"

He laughed and said "They were tough to take down but, we got it. Our boss wants that girl. But, what to do with you?"

He took out a knife but I hit it out of his hand. Again we were wrestling. I managed to knock him out. Quickly I tied him up. I grabbed my gun. Yuki?! I ran and called for her "Yuki?! Yuki?!"

"Help me Soryu! Sor!"

I ran and found Yuki trapped against the book shelf. I growled and said "Yuki, lets play a game. I want you to close your eyes and count to ten. When it reaches ten, things will be fine. Are you ready?"

She nodded and covered her eyes, I started counting "One, two, three."

I hit and punched the man "Four, five, six."

I continued were I had him almost unconscious "Seven, eight, nine."

Finally he was out. I composed myself and spoke "Ten."

Yuki hesitated. Quickly I ran over and grabbed her. She hugged me tightly. Her body shook and she sobbed. I held her tightly. My heart pumped with adrenaline. What the hell was that about? Samejime and Rysouke came. I explained and they cleaned up. Soon the men were tied to chairs. Now, it's time to get down to business. I'm tired of this child play.

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