Chapter Six

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Two days later...
Samejime side

Soryu had to leave and Ryosuke went with him. I was left with Yuki. Two guards were in the house patrolling. I sat in the living room with Yuki. She was trying to clean. It was really cute. She wore a little maid outfit that Baba and Ota had gifted her with. The dress was light green and she wore a fitted white apron and the same colored ballet slips. She wore a white shirt underneath. Yuki looked really cute. My cell phone rang. I answered "Hello?"

"It's Soryu. How's Yuki?"

I smiled "She's fine. Looking pretty adorable. She's cleaning. I'm letting her dust. I didn't let her in the chemicals."

I heard a sigh and "Thank you. I hate to ask this of you but, it seems I left my flash drive. Ryosuke is already on an errand for something."

I held in a chuckle. He was so funny this morning. He couldn't get ready like normal, I spoke "Yes Soryu. We'll be there soon."

"Thank you."

I hung up and said "Yuki, come on, let's get you changed. We're going to go see Soryu."

I put her hair up in a ponytail and left two curly hair strangeness down and put her in (A/N: the outfit on the right) the outfit. Yuki rushed out and I followed her. She wasn't going out side, but,to the kitchen. What on earth is she doing. I looked at the time and said "Yuki, I promise you I was going to-"

"No Samejime! It's not for me! Soryu! Wanna make bend-o box!"

Oh my god. The girl is utter freaking cuteness. Instead of bento box. She said that. But, Wait. On purpose or by accident? Shit, better tell Soryu. I helped her with the bento box and we made a note together. I picked her up and she held the bento box and I ran and grabbed the flash drive. We got in the limo and left to go and see Soryu. Once we arrived Yuki kind of cringed as she said "This place is scary Samejime."

I picked her up and said "It'll be fine. Your safe here."

We arrived to Soryu's office and a guard stood out there. I said "Samejime, work for Oh Soryu. This is his sister. We carry his flash drive and lunch. Feel free to check it."

The guard just waved us in. He smiled and I heard him say "Cute kid."

If only you knew. I knocked and the door opened. Inui was with Boss. Boss looked up and smiled.

"Thank you Samejime. Yuki. What are you holding?"

"Bend-o box! For you! Samejime and Yuki made it," Yuki said proudly.

Later she fell asleep. Once Soryu had her in his arms. I spoke "Something's wrong with her Soryu. She said bend-o box instead of bento box. Then wanna. Next, Samejime and Yuki. I think she's really turning into a kid."

Soryu ended up calling everyone. This, is not good.

A/N: I rushed it. I know! I suck again. I really wanted to finish this chap! Alright Love!

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