Chapter Five

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Hikaru's side

     I stood up angered. No! He was going to take my Yuki away! Were the hell is that bastards house?! I stopped myself before I could get too angry. I calmed myself. They'll come to me. Just like what they did with Hishikura. She'll be mine very soon. Very soon.

Soryu's side

I arrived at my house. Samejime and Ryosuke stood at the stairwell. Samejime took Yuki while Ryosuke grabbed the luggage. Today Eisuke and Baba were flying out if they haven't already. Ota and Kishi would be looking more closely at the perfume bottle. The sun was coming out. I didn't feel tired. All that matter was Yuki was safe. A guard was stood by the front door. My cell phone vibrated and I growled. I answered "Oh here."

"Soryu, we got a problem. Baba's and my plane was cancelled. Baba got a hold of Hishikura and he's doing his "magic". It was a little scary Soryu."

I laughed and said "You weren't drinking anything were you?"

No reply. I laughed and said "It'll be fine I'm sure."

"That's what you say. But, Hishikura is sending out his jet and we'll arrive there in four hours. So, it should be interesting."

I laughed and said "This will be very interesting. How did Baba lure him out anyway. I never did here that."

"Well, Larissa turned her "charm" on and made a deal. It was disgusting. Soryu, my ears were violated."

I laughed and said "Tell Baba nice going. Alright, then if that's it I'll let you go. I made it home."

"Alright. Hey, Soryu."


"Watch your back."

"Do the same Eisuke."

With that we hung up. I looked at Ryosuke and Samejime and Samejime said "There's a storm coming."

I nodded and spoke "A very big storm indeed."

We stood in the hall staring at Yuki's sleeping form. Yuki.

A/N: Crazy!

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