Chapter Nine

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A/N: Sorry guys! Happy Easter!

Ota's side

     Kishi and I we're trying to call Soryu back later but, he wasn't answering. Finally we got the department were we had to swab but, we had to wait for an hour. I was nervous. I had never been this nervous in my life.

Baba's side

With a grown slowly I woke up. My head was spinning. I blinked rapidly and felt my eyes widen to clearly focus. The room looked familar. I looked down and saw I wasn't in my dress but my boxers. Oh embarrassing. Finally I realized where I was and who was staring at me. A young woman and...Hishikura Shuichi. I also realized we all were tied to chairs. Dammit.

"Hello Mitsunari Baba and Ichinomiya Eisuke. Welcome to Hikaru's apartment."

"Wait?! Bell boy was behind this?! I'm going to kill him. Baba, why on earth are you just in boxers," Eisuke said.

"Pfft, lucky," Hishikura said.

Eisuke and I looked at Hishikura. He was a nudist (A/N: I think that's right)? I looked to the woman and said "Are you hurt?"

"No. I hope that little girl is alright though. And forgive Mr. Hishikura for I am going to speak ill about your friend. That perverted bastard had cameras set up in a place were, in fact, you guys showed up. He would always smile when a little girl with big green eyes came about."

What? A place where we showed-"Oh my god! Boss, she's talking about the penthouse! Hikaru set up cameras in the penthouse!"

"That little bell boy is going to go through hell when I find him. If I could just get to that phone," Eisuke said.

"You can't sir! He nailed everyone's chair down," the woman said.

I was steaming. I looked at her wrist and said "You tried didn't you?"

She lowered her head and spoke "I did. Though, Hikaru saw me and he..."

The woman looked terrified and Hishikura said "It's alright Ms. Bee. Guys, meet a very good friend of mine. This is Bee Naomi. A strong woman and a capable worker."

"Well Ms. Bee, maybe after all this-"

"I have a man Mr. Mitsunari. Besides, you nailed my cousin. Bee Alice."

I thought then remembered "Oh! Yes I did. But-"

"Not interested."

I pouted. Ms. Bee smiled. I looked towards the door. Hikaru was behind all of this.

Soryu's side

The bastard wasn't talking. The other one was still out. Yuki was asleep in Ryosuke arms. Samejime brought in some tea. I looked at the man and said "Either way you'll talk. You know, I've noticed that you keep looking at your partner."

He had been indeed looking at his partner. He stayed shut up. I looked at Yuki and said "Take her out of the room. In fact, go and put her in bed and stay next to her."

Rysouke nodded and once he left I spoke "Samejime, go and dispose of the man."

Samejime knew I wasn't serious and he played along. As soon as Samejime got him to the door the man shouted "No! Please, I'll talk! I'll talk. Just let my little brother go. He's all I have."

So, a little brother. Samejime tied him back up and I said "Answer me. You spoke Ichinomiya's name. What about him?"

"He and the other man in a dress are tied up in a room at Tres Spade."

"Who hired you?"

"Hikaru. A bell boy from the hotel in Dubai. My brother and I were kicked out of our home so, we needed the money. He hired us."

I nodded. On the outside I showed no emotion. On the inside I was shocked.

Kishi's side

When the camera was finally swabbed, my phone rang "Hello?"

"Kishi, it's Soryu. I found out why Eisuke and Baba aren't picking up there phones."


"There tied up at the moment."

"Soryu, this is no time for jokes. I mean, I'm glad you find humor-"

"Kishi! I am serious. I caught the two guys who tried to take Yuki. The told me that Hikaru the bell boy from Dubai is behind all this. Hikaru has Eisuke and Baba literally tied up at the hotel."

"Shit. What's the plan? Cause, Hikaru can't be there. That's too easy."

"For now, I don't know. Once I'm finished with these two, I'm going to go rescue Eisuke and Baba. After that, I don't know what to do."

I nodded and said "Ota and I will find the room number and we'll meet you at the hotel."

"Very well."

I hung up and Ota questioned me. I told him and off we went.

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