Chapter Three

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Later that day...

Eisuke's side

Yuki had Soryu wrapped around her finger and it was funny because neither of them really knew it. Yuki had been put in a white long sleeved shirt and an overall that was made into a skirt only. Sandals covered her tiny feet. I had tried getting in touch with Hishikura but, unfortunately I couldn't reach out to him. I even called the director that was a good friend, even that bell boy. Hikaru. But, nothing. Damn.

Hikaru's side

I watched my little Yuki. She looked so cute. I just have to be patient. Hishikura was, so why can't I? I was still surprised by myself. But, it didn't harm her. Eisuke had called me, and for a minute, I thought I was caught, but it was a shame Hishikura would have to take the fall for me. He's a good soldier.

Kishi's side

Baba and Ota were trying to get Yuki to do a fashion show. I thought of something and said "I'm going to regret this. Oi, Yuki, want to go with me to the store?"

Yuki's eyes sparkled. Once Yuki grabbed a hold of my hand I said "I'll do fine by myself. We'll be back around one. Does she have a light jacket? She don't have tights or stockings, whatever you want to call those things. Alright were off."

I was handed the jacket and Yuki waved to everyone. We left. At the store I bought her jeans. I figure there would be jean and sweat moments. I knew Yuki wasn't a girl-girl but, she was a girl. I found myself blushing. Come on! We were passing a couple and the woman held the hand of a little boy. He waved at Yuki who shyly waved back. For some reason, I felt the need to protect her. Jealousy was boiling in my blood. I picked her up and she looked around. She was amazed. I smirked to myself. Who's the coolest now?

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