You're Beautiful to Me

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Y/N walked down the crowded halls of her huge highschool. "First day of junior year, might as well try to make friends this year." Y/N thought.

She had been the loner for the past 2 years of highschool. No friends, never had a boyfriend. Not even a first kiss. She would always sit alone, away from everyone else, alone. Every single night, she would wish that somebody out there would find her, and love her the way she deserved to be loved. She always felt like an outsider, and that nobody understood her. Well she was right, nobody did, and nobody ever will. She would be lonely forever. Until he showed up into her life.

Still walking to her first class, art, she listened to the chatting in the hallway.

"Yeah, that's her, the edgy freak who has no friends," a popular girl said.

"She got so emo this year," the second girl said.

"She's so lame, I bet she cries herself to sleep. Oh wait, she heard us. Hey emo freak!" The first one said.

Y/N was so terrified, she just stood there, in the middle of the hall, as the girls glared at her, with their misapproving, cold, judging looks.

"What are you gonna do? Cry? Awww the little edgy kid is gonna ruin her black eyeliner," the second girl said.

Y/N couldn't take it anymore. She ran to the bathroom, and locked herself in the furthest stall. The bathroom was empty, luckily, so nobody could hear her hurtful sobbing as black colored tears ran down her cheeks.

"Nobody understands. Nobody gets me. They all think I'm a freak, just because I don't look like them. I may not dress like them, do my makeup like them, or be as sociable as them, but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart like them," she said as she continued quietly crying.

Suddenly, Y/N heard footsteps coming into the bathroom. She immediately covered her mouth, so she couldn't be heard from this mystery person.

"Hey, is anyone in here?" a voice says.

"Wait. This isn't the girl's bathroom, is it?" Y/N thinks to herself.

"Look I heard you crying earlier, and  everything you said," he says.

He then started knocking on her stall door.

"Hey, please open up, I don't want you here all day." The mystery boy says.

Giving up, Y/N reaches to unlock the stall door, as this boy welcomes himself into the stall.

"Woah. You're not a boy. Um... I'm Gerard. Gerard Way," Gerard states nervously.

Still sniffling and wiping the tears from her face, she responds, "I'm Y/N.. Why are you here? Did they send you to make fun of me even more?"

"No no no, I just heard crying and a voice, so I wanted to help. I couldn't help but overhear what you said, Y/N, and I have been feeling the exact same way lately. I'm lonely like you. Nobody is there for me either. Well except for my brother, but, I want you to know, that if you ever feel this way again, call me," Gerard says handing Y/N a paper with his number on it.

Y/N hesitantly takes the paper, and quietly says, "Thank you. Nobody has ever talked to me like you before. I guess I'll see you later."

Gerard smiles at her, and takes her hand, as they walk out of the bathroom together.

Romance (Gerard x Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now