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Gerard and Y/N walked around the streets of New Jersey holding hands, as Gerard hummed a song quietly. Gerard stops walking for a second and lets go of Y/N's hand. He points to a smaller hotel, after all, a small hotel is all they can afford.

Y/N couldn't help but feel a little off, after all, the night was colder than the others that week, and she felt as if she was being watched. But as long as Gerard was there beside her, to love and protect her, everything would be alright.

Y/N walked into the hotel with Gerard, and he paid for their one night stay. The room was very small, but this time there were two beds. The shower in the bathroom was moldy, and the sink had brown stuff growing on it. The hotel looked like it was in very bad condition, but again, as long as Gerard and Y/N had each other, things would be fine.

Gerard's POV

I heard the breakfast bar was open 24/7 and I was super hungry from walking around town with her, and I bet she's hungry too. I go down stairs to get both me and Y/N dinner, but as I walk upstairs, I can hear screams. I run up to our room, to find that Y/N isn't there. Instead, a note reads:

Gerard Way,

That's a nice girlfriend you got there. Would be a shame if I took her right?



"FRANK COME OUT RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE SHIT," I yell, and look around the room. Nothing. Nobody. Oh fuck.


I sit on the hotel bed examining the small hotel room thinking. Such a shame there are actually two beds this time. Oh well, I can always just move to his bed late at night, while he's slee-

Suddenly, a black bag goes over my head and I scream as loud as I can. Two hands grip my body as I feel myself being dragged away and being put into a car.

Frank's POV

I'm not sure why I even kidnapped her. I'm not even much of a kidnapper. I was just pretty bored, and Y/N looks like a good target. Oh, and I also wanna make Gerard mad.

Back in middle school, we were really close friends. Then, he dropped me as soon as we went to high school. I don't even think he knows that I go to the same school as me. He just doesn't notice me anymore.

I hear her screaming for me to let her out from the back seat of the car, but I don't think I should to that anytime soon. Not until Gerard notices.

All of a sudden, I look back at the hotel to see Gerard running after my car. "Frank please let her go! She didn't do anything to deserve this.." Gerard shouts.

Y/N's cries grow louder as I hear Gerard's voice coming closer to the car.

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Might as well let her go now.

Inspiration credits to: @Gerard_Way_Official

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