Hand in my Hand

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I wake up with Gerard beside me. Nothing happened last night right? Couldn't have. Gerard looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I can feel when he breathes since I'm on his chest. This is the most calm I've ever felt in a long time. He's the one for me, I know it.

Gerard slowly opens his eyes and yawns. I'm still on his chest, I look up at him. He looks back at me, and we stay in this position for a while, not knowing what to say, just lost in each other's eyes. I'm not sure where we're going from here, but I like being with him, even if it's when we're both too nervous to say anything.

"I um... Good morning, Y/N" Gerard hesisitantly says softly.

I quickly snap out of the trace I was in, "Hi.. Gerard. So what are we going to do today?"

Gerard stretches and yawns, not moving from where we are. "Actually.." Gerard pauses.

"I don't know."

"What?" I question Gerard. "Then why did we run away? Why are we here if you don't know what we're gonna do now?"

"Look Y/N, I never planned anything out, I just kind of.. Felt like it? Ever since we've met, I've been feeling this sort of connection with you." Gerard nervously says, looking away from me.

"Hey," I turn Gerard's face towards me, "I've been feeling the same way, just like you described too."

"Well I guess we really belong together, Y/N," he smiles and looks into my eyes.

Our faces start to slowly move closer together. I shut my eyes, prepared for anything that happens next. Our lips connect, and we melt into each other's arms. I feel like I'm ascending, in this moment that just me and Gerard are sharing together. It feels almost meant to be, after all this is my first kiss. Even though I'm in high school, I've never been kissed in my entire life. Gerard wraps his arms around me and pulls me in even closer, as I embrace this very moment, knowing that it would end soon. I don't deserve him at all.

Time skip
Gerard's POV

I actually did it. I finally mustered up all my courage this morning to make that move. And I did. And that got me the girl of my dreams. I'm not sure whether I'm ready to tell her I love her yet, considering since we just started dating, but I'm definitely feeling something here.

We're now on a bus, traveling somewhere, anywhere away from our school area.

The bus stops, as Y/N and I step out together. Our hands slightly touch, and in this moment, I decide to make another move today.

I reach for her hand, and gently take a hold of it, and she holds mine too. Hand in my hand, we step out of the bus, seeking a place to stay for a few nights, and travel again.

While we're walking the streets, I see an old friend of mine. He comes running towards me, and stops in front of me and Y/N.

"Gerard? Dude what?! Is that you? What are you doing here in Belleville?" A familier man says.

"Oh uh.. Just you know, walking around...With my girlfriend." I say being quite protective of Y/N, knowing how he can be in front of girls.

"Girlfriend huh? Never expected this. Well hello there. Who are you?" He says getting closer to Y/N.


Who's this man now? He seems to know Gerard, so might as well talk.

"I'm Y/N. What's your name?" I say.

"It's Frank. Frank Iero," The man named Frank said. "Gerard and I were friends back in middle school."

"Yeah and me and Y/N should be going now. It was nice seeing you Frankie, gotta go," Gerard says quickly, "like right now, Y/N."

"What's wrong Gee? Scared I'm gonna steal your little friend here? Relax. I would neverrr," Frank says smoothly wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I blush and try to move away from him, but his grip on me grows. Gerard has never been so protective of me before, and it's kinda cute. Oh wait this dude is trying to make a move. This is definitely gonna be fun to watch.

"Hands off, Iero," Gerard raises his voice slighly, stepping towards Frank.

"Woah there Gee, relax I'm just having a little fun here," Frank says smugly.

Frank smirks at me and I quickly look away. What does this guy think he's doing right now?

Gerard grabs my arm and storms off away from Frank, going to the side of a curb.

"Hey, hey, Gerard calm down for me. I know it's frustrating, but I'm here now, he's gone now. I'm not going anywhere." I say trying to cool him down. I've never seen him like this.

"I- oh no, Y/N, I'm so sorry you had to see me like that. I'm not usually like that, it's just.. When I see another man trying to steal the woman I love.. It really pisses me off." Gerard says with sadness in his voice.

"Aww, Gerard it's okay. It wasn't your fault for getting like that. Honestly, if I were you I would've done the exact same thing. And did you say 'the woman I love?" I ask.

"Oh.. Well you see.. I well. You're the one, Y/N, I know for sure now. And I'm not sure if you're feeling this, but if you're not that's alright, I would wait for you for a lifetime," Gerard says taking my hands and looking me straight into my eyes.

"Gerard, I just- I feel the exact same way. Even though I haven't known you for so long, I feel like I've known you my whole life," I tell Gerard pulling him into a tight hug. "Now, let's find somewhere to stay tonight."

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