Partners in Crime

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"Put the money in the bag!" Gerard yells.

"Fine! Take it all, please don't hurt me," a worker pleads.

The worker puts the money in the big black bag Gerard holds up and starts loudly sobbing. "Good. Now we'll be on our way,"

"We?" The worker questions through their tears.

A loud car engine starting is heard from the back of the bank.

"Yup. That's her. Well I better not keep the love of my life waiting!" Gerard yells as he runs with the bag and puts his gun in as well.


"Gerard? What took so long?" I ask.

"Oh it was nothing, someone was being difficult in there, no worries I have the cash," Gerard says happily holding the bag and tossing it to the back.

All of a sudden, loud sirens could be heard coming towards us..

"What are you waiting for? Drive!" Gerard yells.

"Okay okay calm down!" I say starting to drive the opposite direction from the bank. I'm going at 80 stop they shouldn't be able to catch up anytime soon.

We're far ahead from the cops, driving towards a big bridge across water. I don't know where we are going, but we never really had a destination. Even when we ran away together in highschool. As long as we were together, we were fine. Well Frank ruined that for a while, but he was just in a silly goofy mood.

Police vehicles pull up in front of the bridge, to where we can't get out.

"Wait, Y/N, what now??" Gerard asks panicking.

"Shhh, you worry too much. I got this, we can just turn around and go from there," I say calmly.

Police vehicles pull up behind us as well, to leave it's surrounded by the cops.

"Oh.. Uhhhh," I start to panic with Gerard as I try to find some solution.

"You can come out now, you two, we have you surrounded," the policeman yells from across us.

I see Gerard opening the door to the car, looking as of he just gave up on us. "Wait! What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Just follow my lead, I'll get us out," he says grabbing the bag and putting out under his shirt.

I'm not entirely sure what Gerard is doing, but he walks out of the car, so I do too. We both stand in front of the army of cops, with guns pointed towards us.

"What now?" I whisper to him.

"Shhh, just follow me," Gerard whispers back quietly.

"Give us the money and get in the vehicle please," the policeman instructs.

"Never!" Gerard yells at him, "you'll never take us alive!" Gerard starts running towards the edge of the bridge.

I start sprinting after him, and reach for his hand. He takes it, and soon after, we both jump off this Jersey bridge.

I bet you never had a Friday night like this.

We hit the water in unison, and we swim to the land near us. We hear the  policeman yelling things like, "They could have never survived that jump," and, “I guess this is the end of the two partners in crime."

Gerard and I burst out laughing but silence ourselves, realizing that we're under the bridge, so they can probably hear us.

He pulls the money out of his shirt, and it seems to be soaking wet.

"Wellll.. We can wait for it to dry?" Gerard laughs.

"I guess, but where do we go from here?" I ask.

"Have we ever known where we went from anywhere, Y/N?" Nope. Not really. We go anywhere we think we should go. Nobody is telling us what to do now, so we can just live how we want to. We can go wherever you want," Gerard smiles.

I really don't deserve him.

Romance (Gerard x Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now