Is it Love?

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Gerard and I walked for a while, and decided that we were getting tired, since it was about 2AM.

"Hey, it was nice walking with you tonight, but, maybe we should find somewhere to sleep." Gerard says.

"Oh, right. We should be able to find a cheap hotel around here," I said.

Gerard points over at a smaller hotel, "There! We can crash there for the night, and I'll tell you what we'll do next in the morning."

"But you still haven't told me why we are running away. And why now? Why with me?" I question Gerard.

"Well.. That's kind of a long story that I'll save for later. But for now, we'll sleep there," Gerard tries to distract me.

We walk slowly to the hotel since we're both extremely sleepy. Gerard holds open the door for me, and we walk in together. I can't help but to glance at Gerard every now and then and think, "Wow. This man knows I'm alive."

It's unbelievable he would even care to run away with someone like me. By now, I'm convinced that he's the only one for me. But does he feel the same way? I hope so. This would definitely be a waste if he didn't. He's perfect.

"Y/N? Y/N, you there?" A voice says.

"Uhhh," I somehow find the real world again, after getting lost into my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm here now. Just got lost in some deep thinking," I tell Gerard.

"That would be 20 dollars for one room, please," the hotel front desk man says.

Gerard slaps the 20 on the desk. The man then hands him the key to the room. We walk to the room together and it seems awfully small. I mean, of course there's only one bed, after all, this is a. Nevermind.

I set all my stuff on the ground, and it seems Gerard didnt bring much. He only took a few shirts/jackets, and 2 pairs of jeans with him. We definitely need to go shopping sooner or later. But for now, I'm super tired and I need to change my clothes to sleep.

"Gerard?" I awkwardly say.

"Um yeah?" A shirtless Gerard turns around from where he was standing.

"OH FUCK! I mean, MAYBE I SHOULD GO TO BATHROOM TO CHANGE," I shout quickly while grabbing my clothes and rushing into the bathroom.

Time skip

I lay in the hotel bed, still flustered by seeing Gerard shirtless, and the way he wasn't even bothered. Heck, he would've even changed in front if me if I haven't obliged.

Gerard lays down on the pull out couch in the room. I wonder what he's thinking right now. He still looks kind of embarrassed. I would be embarrassed if I was him. I mean, who would change in front of a girl? Whatever I'm too tired to even think. I drift off pretty quickly.

I'm sit up from where I was sleeping in the bed, and see that Gerard is still sleeping on the pull out. Shit. Can't sleep. I sit on the side of the bed and get lost in my thoughts, like earlier. Gerard sits up from where he was sleeping, and looks up at me. I find Gerard's dreamy gaze and look him know his beautiful hazel eyes.

There's something different tonight. A hazy kind of feeling that I can't shake. Something seems different with Gerard and me tonight, I can feel it, and I'm sure he's feeling what I'm feeling too.

Gerard hesitantly walks over to the bed from the couch, and sits across from me among the bed.

"So.. How are you tonight?" Gerard asks.

"Well.. It's kind of complimented, it's a bit of a change from my regular sleeping schedule,my regular room, and nightly routine, but, I could get used to this if I'm with you," I say.

"Really?" Gerard asks.

"Well. I guess you're the only person I've met who really understands me, you know? And I've been feeling this connection with you ever since we've met," I say quite truthfully.

"Yeah. I totally get that. So this connection huh?" Gerard smirks.

Oh fuck. He's gonna make a move now. This is what we get for being honest huh? I should be more honest.

Gerard leans in quite quickly and we share a passionate kiss, and he wraps his arms around me. I deepen the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.

Then I wake up.

Well. That was disappointing. I really wish that wasn't a dream.

You know what? Fuck that. I'm gonna make that dream a reality.

I sit up from the bed like I did in the dream, and stare at Gerard. He looks so peaceful sleeping. Well he doesn't look like he's gonna be waking up soon. I might as well make the move here, unlike in my dream. But that would be really nice if he made the move.

I walk to the pull out couch. Huh. It seems pretty big. Maybe I could fit in there with him. It's now or never, Y/N.

I crawl under the covers while Gerard is still deeply sleeping.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Gerard asks flustered.

"Shhhh," I put my finger on his lips. Gerard's blush deepens.

I move closer to Gerard and fall asleep on his chest.

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