Chapter 1

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When Bellamy injected himself with the untested nightblood solution, it seemed the entire world stopped. Everyone in Becca's lab stopped and turned to him and looked as if the young man had sprouted a second head. In scenario could anyone have predicated the Bellamy Blake would be the one to sacrifice his life to test the nightblood for its second trial. Not even Clarke could see it coming. She stood by his side as the arguing continued on over who should be tested next, and yet she couldn't stop Bellamy from putting himself at risk. They've finally made amends for everything that happened after Mount Weather, and they were finally moving onto to something more, and now they may never have the time to explore that chance. Her entire world spun on its axis once she heard those deafening words fall from his lips; her mind shutting down.

"We're testing it on me."

All Clarke could see was the the first test subject melting away before their very eyes, shouting and thrashing in unimaginable pain. The first trial not only failed, it crashed and burned. And now Bellamy could be next. Without so much as a single thought to what she was doing, Clarke grabbed a metal pipe and thrusted it into the glass chamber, shattering any hope of losing him. But in the process they all lose their one chance at coming up with a vital solution for nightblood. And yet in that moment she couldn't care, she couldn't think. In her mind's eye all she could imagine was Bellamy melting away, crying out in pain. And it would be her fault.

"Clarke! Clarke stop!" A pair of arms wrap around her middle and pick her up off of her feet, swiveling her around as those same hands frame her face. "Princess... what did you do?"

"I-" All at once her actions fall upon her, realization crashing down like a ton of bricks. Without the nightblood solution thousands of people will die. The bunker can only withstand to hold so many people for five years. Clarke knew this, but she didn't stop. She knew the consequences of her actions would leave them all back where they started, but she couldn't care. All that mattered was the man standing in front of her. "I can't lose you."

One person, one thought, and the entire human race at stake. Everything is on the line, but one person changed it all. The thought of losing that one person trickled down with unforeseen consequences. And now they all must find a plan B, and soon.

As it turns out Plan B was none other than War. A last battle between the grounders to make their new home the bunker. But rather than every clan and its warriors wasting time to fight an all out  war, a final conclave is called. One of each clan's best warriors are chosen to fight- the last man standing will win. And their clan will be the sole successor of the bunker' their lives secured and safe. Octavia volunteered to fight for Skaikru, Roan nearly volunteered himself but was convinced to chose another instead while he assist in helping find another solution without nightblood. So, he choose a loyal spy, Echo, to take his place. Once by one each clan chose their fighters, and in the end Luna fought for herself. If she wins, no one will take the bunker- and that was not an option.

The conclave lasted well into the night, enough time for many to wait on the balls of their feet. Only three contestants were remaining near the end; Octavia, Luna, and Echo.  Black rain descended upon the three as they fought to be the last, and in the end one victor claimed all. Octavia Blake. She and Echo used an unlikely alliance to team up against Luna, but Echo didn't make it in time. She fought in the black rain and lost her life to Luna. Octavia used this to her advantage and ended the conclave once and for all; however, her victory came with a twist. She declarers that skaikru will not take the bunker alone, but share it equally with each clan. A decision with dire consequences. Everyone of skaikru's members that were not on Clarke's list would have to be removed form the bunker and left outside with the other unchosen. It was cruel and a twisted fate, but a necessary action to be made in order to no only keep peace, but equality among clans.

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