Chapter 4

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Life on the ring was, to put it simply, dull and boring. Every day was the same after the next. Monty continues to tend to the algae farm since they were running out of rations. Harper was helping him tend and grow the algae, both changing the formula for better taste and less deadly affects. After the first few batches several grew ill while Clarke and Murphey went into two day comas shortly after. Ever since then Monty has been working diligently to change the formula to a much safer and sufficient batch. The taste was never really better than before but he and Harper were trying their best. 

Emori and Murphey, and Roan stuck to themselves for the most part while Raven did work on the ship to keep herself occupied. And Clarke? No one ever knows where she goes. After breakfast she disappears for the rest of the day, and reappears for dinner. But afterwards she's off again before going to her room to sleep, and the cycle repeats. So one day Raven decides to follow her after breakfast. What she finds is more than heart breaking than anything she could have pictured to find. 

It seems Clarke found sky box and has been spending her time there. Raven keeps a safe distance to not tip Clarke off, in so doing she loses sign of Clarke through the halls. She stops by one room in particular on her search for Clarke, the walls were filled with sketched up and down from the floor to the ceilings. Most were simple drawing of animals and earth itself, but there were a few were portraits splayed throughout the room in the few spaces left. Raven recognized Finn and Wells immediately, then there was Lexa, and several more of the members of the hundred they lost over the years. One was of a man she recognized as Jake griffin, chief engineer. Clarke's very own father who tried to save the Ark on his own, and yet there was no sign of Clarke.

A noise catches Raven's ear and she steps away from cell 319 in to another a few doors down. She peeks her head inside and around the doors frame to find not only Clarke herself but a Marge of portraits clattering the walls. As Clarke stood  on top of a stool with a piece of charcoal in hand, with her back turned away from the door, Raven leans closer against the frame to fully take in the drawings. The subject? Bellamy. Each one from a different perspective and memory. It was incredible, really. But also heart breaking. She knew her friend missed Bellamy, and to see her work? It was then Raven realized just how much more Clarke felt for him than she really let on. They were more than just co-leaders and 'mom' and 'dad' to the hundred. The park were beat friends who literally saved the human race and each other over and over again. Their love ran much deeper than another could confess, and in the end it was too late for either of them to confess.

With a pang in her chest Raven turns away. She felt for Clarke and Bellamy, truly she did. And while her 'love life's was much different she could understand all the same. She lost Finn, the only person she gave her heart too. In the end it was too late to save him, and everyday Raven is reminded of his fate. Of him. But she lives on in his memory. One day Clarke will grieve and move on, maybe not right away, but that was okay. No one expected her too. Once they return to Earth, things will change. For everyone.

Without another thought on the matter the brunette turns to leave, only to bump into another solid form. She steps back and looks up to see none other than the king of the Ice Nation himself. Over the course of time being on the Ring, Roan was basically stuck doing his own thing, being his own person. But even with hai standoffish nature and grumbling looks, Raven could see he did care about the people here. Especially Clarke. He and Clarke had a strange friendship, that much Raven knows. But she is also sure that he doesn't want her to crash and burn. Not after Bellamy. Roan may never admit that he cares, but looking out for Clarke and helping he they through this? Was something she could agree with him on.

Instead of looking down at her, Roan peeks around the corner from behind Raven and crosses his arms over his chest. 

"Its how she's coping." Raven mumbles to explain. Roan glances at Raven, then back to the room. 

"She can't keep doing this and you know it." At her questioning look Roan explains. "She does this all day everyday, skigada. She isolated herself, she barely eats, she talks to no one unless she has to. She's punishing herself." Raven takes a deep breath and sighs as she crosses her arms and leans on the opposite frame of the door. 

"She needs more time." 

"That's what I'm afraid of." Raven glances at Roan and him to her as he walks away. Before he could go far she grabs his arm and he stops. 

"She'll come around. This is Clarke we're talking about. She always does." 

"You think she can recover from this? That she isn't broken?" Raven leans back and chances a glance to Clarke while Roan continues muttering. "To think the great Wanheda couldn't be broken. I guess we were all wrong." He starts to move again and she grips harder. 

"She's not just Wanheda. She's Clarke- a human being. And she may not show it all the time but she does care. And I never said she was broken. But she's not invincible no matter how much she tries to pretend she is. She just needs time to grieve and move on." The Azgadian king  looks over his shoulder as Clarke draws away, oblivious to the pair of observers. 

"There is only one thing that could break a woman as strong as Clarke, the only thing capable of destroying as well as mending. Love."

"You're right. She loves Bellamy, and he loved her. But Clarke is not broken. She just needs time to heal." roan looks back at Clarke then to Raven. 

"She needs more than time, skaigeda." Raven glares.

"I have a name you know." He raises a brow. "Its Raven." 

"Noted." He huffs as he walks off. Raven smirks as she rolls her eyes before watching Clarke a while longer, not seeing the smirk Roan gives her as he leaves.

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