Chapter 12

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In the blink of an eye not only does five years pass by, but there was still no solution on getting back to the ground safely. The rocket burned every ounce of fuel it had on the journey to space. Five years and they were without a plan to go home. Raven did everything she could think of doing, but it was all useless without the fuel. With every new idea it fell through the floor in utter failure with the lack of one important supply. Something in which no longer existed in space or on Earth. This realization hit everyone much harder than they expected it to, the reality of their situation finally setting in. They were trapped in space, on the Ring, with no way of getting home to Earth. With every ounce of hope came a large hammer to shatter it with each new idea anyone had. nine more months pass by without a solution, leaving all of Spackru to give up hope. 

And yet it seemed fate may be on their side once more.

One day as Raven and Roan snuck away from the living quarters for further... privacy, they discovered a hidden room in the Earth monitoring station hidden behind a barricaded panel along the wall. Roan moved the heavy metal aside as Raven opened the strange door. The content inside? Was none other than the exact fuel they needed to get the rocket moving again to fly them down to Earth.

When the mechanic gave the good news to her friends it seemed like the light of hope beamed brighter than it ever had before. Raven, Emori, and Monty all got started right away with making a list of everything they need for the journey, all the repairs that needed to be made, as well as the calculations for the amount of fuel they now have. Within three months everything is prepare and ready, all that remaining was gathering the supplies and getting the rocket ready for launch. 

Raven sat in her seat as she manually ran every test possible to ensure the safety and integrity of the metal tin can that would fly them to Earth. Emori does all she can to help Raven while Murphey, Monty, and Harper pack and stack supplies in and out of the rocket.  Clarke goes over the list of things they need and don't need while supervising and making sure everything is going according to schedule, and then there's Roan. The only person who does nothing but stand around, brooding, as he watches everyone else run around like hardworking ants.

"You know, you could be useful and help." Raven says as she pokes her head out of the rocket. Roan  looks over his shoulders, his arms crossed over his chest, as he replies with a smirk on his lips. 

"I don't see how I'm any help. This is your area of experience, not mine." The mechanic rolls her eyes and moves to slap him, but is stopped mid movement as he catches her hand. Raven attempts to glare but it falls away as an amused smirk over turns her scowl. She presses a quick kiss to his cheek before muttering,

 "You're an ass." He hums and chuckles when Murphey walks by fake gagging. 

"Now I'm having second thoughts being in a closed space with you two." 

Just to make Murphey even more uncomfortable Roan turns to plant a solid kiss on Raven's lips, locked and messy. Murphey gages more exaggerated as he scurries away with the last box. Clarke chuckles under her breath as Roan is shoved to help the cockroach of Earth stack the box of supplies but Raven. at first the blonde thought nothing of it, that is until the brunettes gives her a look. She knows. But instead of saying words the mechanic climbs out of the rocket and engulfs her friend in a tight embrace, wrapping her arms around the other woman's form. Clarke doesn't hesitate to do the same.

"You can do this." Clarke nods, not paying much attention to her words. That is until she pushes the subject further. "You never know, he could be there." 

"He might not." 

"If Bellamy is down there, I know he's just waiting for you to come barreling though these doors and into his arms." Clarke rolls her arms. 

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