Chapter 2

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The entire planter has been engulfed in the blazing flames of primfaya with a single patch of land as a survivor. As Clarke stares down at the broken world, all she can think about is him. They left him behind-she left him to die- and he was alone. Bellamy was left one Earth by himself to die and she wasn't with him. After everything they've been through together, everything they've done, and this is their fate? Her left hand rises unconsciously from thought as it presses gently against her lips. She can still feel the heat and fuzzy tingle left from his as they pressed together. It was fleeting and no one else knew, then again she and Bellamy never had the chance to talk about it either.

It was so unexpected and in the moment neither one spoke of it again, but thinking back Clarke knew what it meant. She knew how she felt about Bellamy, and by the look on his face he had to feel the same. But ever in a time of war there was no time to discuss fleeting matters such as feelings. It was right after Bellamy injected himself with nightblood and Clarke demolished the tradition chamber. He puller her away to the office upstairs to talk, and she finally broke.

After everything the co-leaders have been through. From enemies to co-leaders, to best friends, to angry strangers, and best friends once more. It was a couldn't use cycle they went though when things became too much. Clarke would run and Bellamy would feel betrayed. They would fight and make up and it would start all over again. But this time Clarke didn't run, she couldn't. It was time to break the cycle once and for all. And she knew she couldn't bare to lose him again, not forever. And yet she did. Clarke was always the logical one out of the pair, the one that o use logistics and strategy, to think before running head first I to trouble. But Bellamy was the complete opposite. His heart ruled over his head. If someone he cared about was in danger or injured he didn't think, he just acted. And that was exactly what Clarke had done to the radiation chamber.

She couldn't take it anymore. She has been strong and fighting her heart for too long. Bellamy me at everything to Clarke, he was her partner, her co-leader, and her best friend. He was her other half and now he was gone.

Raven comes by and places a hand on Clarke's shoulder. Clarke doesn't bother looking up as her eyes are glued to the burning planet below. She doesn't even have to see who was by her side to know it was the brunette engineer that got them here. Raven sighs and stands next to her friend as both woman gaze downwards through space. Without uttering a word she hands over a glass bottle with the words 'Drink on Earth.' There really was no point in waiting another five years for a good buzz now was there? Clarke takes it and pops the top before chugging down several gulps. Raven says nothing as she does, instead she takes a swing herself when Clarke hands it over.

"He's really gone." Raven's head pops up and looks up at Clarke, but the blonde still continues to stare down at earth. "I left him to die, Raven. And now he's just-" She stops herself before taking the bottle of bourbon and drinking down several more, large, gulps.

"It isn't your fault Clarke. He said to leave before it was too late. And now? We live to repay him." It take her a moment before Clarke finally looks up at Raven. "We can't let his sacrifice go in vain. He did this for us. For you." A single tears falls against Clarke's cheek at that. "We know what you felt for him, Clarke. He felt it too."

Clarke lifts her hands back to her lips with a sad smile as another tear falls. "I know." Raven puts two and two together but doesn't comment on her friends reminiscing memories, instead she sighs and wraps her arms around Clarke to give her every ounce of support she can. Clarke hugs her back, the pair holding onto the other before pulling away when another voice calls out to them.

"Food's done. Come and eat. I won't say it again." Both raven and Clarke share a look as they roll their eyes. Ever the bossy one, Roan is. Even if he wasn't king anymore.

"Yeah yeah, hold your horses, Roan." Roan glares as Raven walks by, but Clarke knows better. 

She's seen the looks he gives Raven when she isn't looking, and vice versa. There was once when Clarke caught Raven checking Roan out and Raven bluntly admitted to doing so. Her exact words being: 'So what? Anyone with eyes can see he's hot! I'd climb that tree if I could.' Clarke gave Raven one look before the engineer shoved her aside and told her not to get any ideas. Clarke left it alone at that but knew exactly where things were going to end up between them; at least she hopes. Clarke approves honestly. They both could use the company. But she would  never admit that out loud to either of them given their stubborn natures. So when Raven and Roan have their banter all Clarke could do is roll her eyes.

As Raven leaves Clarke chuckles under her breath before moving to follow her, only to stop when Roan reaches out a hand to catch her arm. She looks down then at him. "You did what you had to do. He knows that." 

"He's dead, Roan. I don't it really matters, do you?" She mutters, the thickness in her voice given away the brewing emotions she's tries so desperately to push down. Roan's grip tightens slightly before letting her go, his head ducking lower.

 "The nightblood solution could have worked. He could still be alive." 

"I don't need false hope, Roan." She scoffs as she shakes her head. "I just want him." 

Roan doesn't say anything in response as Clarke leaves the room to follow Raven into the dining hall. Instead he watches as she leaves before his gaze falls through the window and down onto the burning planet below. No matter how slim the chance may be, Bellamy could still be alive. And if he was, Clarke needed to have hope. Without another thought Roan leaves to follow the women into the  dinning room where Monty is serving up their rations while tending to the algae farm. 

There he finds Murphey and Emori laughing and playing around, while Harper and Monty watch in amusement. Then there is Clarke and Raven. Raven was smirking at the shenanigan's their friends were playing at but nudging Clarke under the table to keep her out of her head. She smiles tightly but doesn't pay much attention to anything else. Not even when Roan plops down on the seat in front of her while beside Raven. He gives the brunette a look, one she returns. They both know Clarke needs time and space. Only the future will tell just how much she needs to be herself again.


Author's Note: So I have no solid update plan with this story other than finishing it asap. I start my college courses mid October and I really don't want to leave too many things unfinished, especially requests. So the goal is to finish this story off before then. I just finished chapter 4 so hopefully I'll finish a chapter or two every other day and update 2-3 times a week. I can't guarantee anything but I promise to do my best :)

I hope you all enjoy this story so far because more is on the way!

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