Chapter 11

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Bellamy does all he can not dwell on the years as they pass by. It's been 5 years and nearly 6 months since the others left for space. He can't say he blames them, they did what they needed to do to survive. But the five year marker has passed and yet there is still no sign of anyone. He tries not to think too much about it as he keeps his focus set on the one person he knows he has left. Bellamy may not know if the other survives or even made it to the ring, but he does know that Maddie is here with him right now and so he focuses on her.

Madi goes stronger and smarter with each passing day. Her English is excellent and while Bellamy doesn't know the culture and language he does all he can make sure she knows about her past and her people. He didn't know much about her clan specifically but he did tell her everything he knew from his experience. Every night he tells her stories about the hundred and how they came about discovering the grounders. He skips the horrific details and  tells her all the good happy memories that he can.

Bellamy tells Madi the story their excitement when they first step foot on the ground. Fresh cool air as a enter their lungs, and the evergreen grass and leaves as they sway in the wind. The water was cold and fresh like nothing they had ever tasted before on the ark. The first meeting with the grounders wasn't pleasant but when they found common enemy the past was in the past. They took out the mountain and move forward as common allies. And then there was primfaya, and the race to save as many people as possible before it was too late. The bunker was a last resort since the nightblood wasn't distributed to everyone, and when the clock was ticking Clarke and the others went to space. 

Each and every story grasped Madi's little mind every day. And on days where they would take breaks from duty and responsibility, she asks for more, such as today. While Bellamy takes Madi on a drive through the forest and up to the Mountain's ridge he goes on and on through the stories of the hundred, of his little sister and friends. Today was one of their exploring days, no school, no rules, just fun. Half way through the day, however, Madi wears herself out. Bellamy tucks her into the bed of the rover with another story as she sleeps soundly, giving Bellamy time to himself for a few hours. 

There isn't much for him to do atop the mountain really, maybe catch a few game for dinner, gather some mushrooms and nuts. But even doing so it doesn't take nearly as long as Madi's naps. Bellamy never understood how she could nap for six hours straight and go to bed in a few hours afterwards. He thought it was mostly teens and babies that loved to sleep, not eight year old's. But Madi was always special, and it wasn't like the only thing she ever did was sleep. She played and trained vigorously and tires herself to the bone some days, always wanting to prover herself to her dad. Even though Bellamy tells her she never has to prove anything to him, Madi always strives to be good at everything she does. Which is why he never blames her for her very consistent naps

So in the mean time while she sleeps in the rover, Bellamy catches a few squirrels and birds nearby; opting to use his bow and arrow instead of his rifle to keep the noise to a minimum as his little girl sleeps soundly. Madi is a light sleeper, she always has been, so he tires to stay as quit as possible while hunting. But as an hour passes, and then another, Bellamy runs out of things to do. he could always take a nap himself, but he knows if he does then he won't sleep much later tonight. It was best to busy himself and stay awake. 

Bellamy places the game in a small box to be taken home and skinned later. As he does he spots the radio. He did call the ring this morning, but what was one more, right? Its not like they could hear him anyway. So without bothering to debate his options, Bellamy reaches over his seat and takes the radio from underneath. He also make sure to grab the little satellite for better range, at least he hopes it helps. Even if they've never responded it doesn't mean they can't hear him right? At least that's what he's always hoped. 

He sets the satellite down and positions it up to the sky as he sits down on the soft grass below. Its been five and half years since Clarke and the others went into space for a chance to survive,. Five and half. They should have returned six months ago and then some, but they haven't. All Bellamy could do was hop[e and pray there was difficulty with the fuel or rocket and Raven was doing everything she could to fix it. Bellamy needed to have hop that the satellite worked and he got power to the ring. he needed to have hope that the others made it to the ring and survived. Without hope all there would be is fear, guilt, and resentment. Resentment towards himself for not working fatser, for not getting the power on quick enough. They could be floating in space right now, dead, and he wouldn't know it.

No! It can't be true. Clarke's a survivor, they all are. They're fine.

Bellamy shakes his head before pressing the button on the side of the radio, a deep sigh leaving his breath. He has so much to say but doesn't know the right words to use. The safest bet was keeping the conversation boring and light. The weather and such, so that's what he sticks to. At least he tries. 

"I wish you could see it down here, Princess. The Valley, the sun, the rivers, the trees... I wish you were here" He sops himself as he feels his throat tighten. This was leading to a much harder topic, of missing her, wanting her by his side, to hold, to talk to, to lo- No. Stop it. Can't go there.

"Anyway, todays' been pretty boring. Madi and I went to the swimming hole first thing his morning since the heat from the sun was already blazing. We didn't do any school today, today is our rest day. She wiped herself out swimming and climbing this morning." Bellamy turns his neck to look over his shoulder. He couldn't see her but he knew Madi was still sound asleep. "She sleeps just like a princess." He stops for just a moment, considering his next words, but pushes forward with what he wants to say, with what he wants her to hear. No more thinking the worst, not more praying or hoping. Fate has its ways, and Clarke will hear this one day. 

"And when you come home maybe teach mini princess here your ways. From one princess to another. She's a lot like you already but, there's only so much I can teacher her by myself. She needs you, Clarke. I need you. If- when you come back I-"

He stops. A noise from up above cuts of the rest of his sentence and grabs his attention. Bellamy stands as another large boom burst  in the sky. Only when he looks up does he notice the source of the noise to be the one thing he's hoped to see for the last five and a half years. 

"Never mind I see you."

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