Chapter 10

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The intervention may not have ended Clarke's grieving entirely but each and everyday was a step closer to bein better than he last. All of spacekru continues to give her the space she needed, but as the years passed she took less and less time away form her friends. Clarke continues to draw the faces of past loved ones to this day, even after four long years of living on the Ring, but unlike the beginning she doesn't hide them, nor does she hide her plans for the day. During breakfast everyone gathers together for their routine algae soup and they all chatter away with whatever it is they plan on doing for the day. There was no need to make plans further than that, it would only make time seem that much longer. So they only plan for that day, and before they knew it years have gone by; it helps. 

Today Monty will continue working on the algae formula, Emori, Murphey, and Harper plan on watching old Erath films they can find off the old data basses in Earth monitoring. Harper always helps Monty with the algae, so today was one of her break days. Clarke was going to work on more plans for Earth when they land. It was technically planning for the future, but planning survival is what Clarke does best, so no one argues on the matter. The last two occupants of the ring, well, it was obvious amongst there friends what they had planned, but they gave measly excuses to cover their...intentions. Normally Raven would work on the rocket and try to figure out how to return to Erath sometimes with Emori as her assistant, while Roan would be in the training room with Murphey, Harper, or Clarke. But not today. Raven uses the training room as an excuse for her and Roan to be alone, but no one questions it. There was no use in the two hiding what they've become in secret, everyone has figured it out by now. So when the subject is brought up about their so called 'plans' Raven quickly changes the subject around on Monty and Harper.

Everyone's noticed the sudden ring on Harper's hand but the couple has yet to announce to their friends. So Raven forces their hands on their supposed 'secret' marriage. The couple deny it, saying it wasn't official. Monty simply found the ring and asked, so technically they were engaged. Even so everyone was still outraged they were never told, even Clarke spoke up on the subject. 

"You could have told us!"

"We were just waiting for the right time!" Harper argues back, laughing a her friends faces, each filled with shock, annoyance, and offence. 

"The right time? We are trapped in a flying donut in space! When would have been the right time exactly? You two are just as bad as her royal highness over there with her knight and shining armor." Murphey says, turning heads.

"What? How is this anything like me and Bellamy?!"

At this Murphey smirks his cockroach smirk, even going as far as looking to Raven and Roan. One look is all it takes for hem to have the floor of this conversation. Raven knows this, Murphey knows this, as does Roan and everyone else, which is why Clarke huffs in frustration and turns to her best friend. But the brunette beats her to saying anything before hand, a tease in her voice as she asks

"Did she just admit Bellamy was her knight in shining armor? She did right?" Raven asks as she fights off a smile. Roan chuckles beside her, keeping his lips closed with the glare Clarke sends them. 

"That is not my point! What does Harper and Monty being engaged and not telling us have to do with me and Bellamy?!"

"You kept important stuff from us all the time. The only difference is it wasn't an engagement like these two dorks." Raven points at the Greens. Monty rolls his eyes while Harper laughs, but Clarke squints her eyes at her friends. 

"That is completely different. We did what we thought was best and told everyone what we thought you needed to know in life or death situations. Not getting engaged."

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