Chapter 8

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Two days pass after the day of training before spacekru come together. Clarke not only began spending more time away from everyone else, but she's started to skip meals to avoid conversation. It was no longer about giving her space and time, but coming together to make sure she was okay. Its been months since they've left Earth and the loves they knew behind to travel back to live in space. It was the only option they had to survive. And now that they're here it seemed that their once chaotic lives were now simple and filled with peace; and yet not everyone could cope fully and move on from the past. Losing someone is hard, and it always will be, but dwelling on the past will do nothing but stump ones future and harm their present lives. The group needed to check on Clarke, and soon. 

As everyone sits around in the dining hall silently as each person is given their serving of algae. Not a single word it uttered from anyone as the notice once again the empty seat beside Raven. Two days she's refused to come out of her room, and if she does she makes sure no one is around as she does. They hoped with time things would be easier after they lost Bellamy, but it seems to be the complete opposite. Instead of coping and getting better, Clarke was getting worse.

"I'm worried about her." Monty says, interrupting the quiet of the room. Harper places a hand on his leg as she says,

"We all are." He smiles at her sadly, knowing how true her words ring with the others.

Raven struggles internally with letting the others know just how much worse it truly is. The whole reason in fact Clarke stopped joining the group altogether. Everyone knows that Clarke Griffin was never one to share her feelings or show them. She's known to run and hide when things are too much, but they're no longer on the ground. Up in space every one has to stick together, for better or for worse. And there was Clarke, pulling away. Alone. 

The brunette glances to the grounder by her side, only to find him already looking at her. His blue eyes meeting her dark brown graze. They're the only one's who know about Clarke's secret, the way she's been coping with her grief. The pair tried to help her find another way to release everything she's been keeping inside, but it blew up in their faces, and now Clarke has been avoiding everyone for two days. One look. One looks is all it takes between the two before Raven speaks. 

Everyone looks to her and Roan as they explain what they found. For the months they've been on the ring Clarke has been coping using her drawings. She isolates her self in skybox each and everyday to avoid uttering a word about what she feels, what she thinks. She's not coping well, she's avoiding. If they don't do something soon Clarke may dig a hole so deep she may never be able to climb out. Not on her own.

"So let me get this straight...Clarke has an entire room covered in Blake's face?" 

"Murphey." The others warned. He moves his hands to show his surrender before saying. 

"All I'm saying is... if that's the case then this is going to be a lot harder than you think. It's Bellamy- Clarke and Bellamy. The dream team or whatever. One without the other is a damn mess, we all know it. So I think we need to think about how we do this."

"Well look at that, John Murphy does have a heart."

"Can it, Reyes." 

Raven smirks while Roan brings the discussion back to focus. Raven nods his way as he does so, getting them back on track. She places her hand under the table and on top of his, their eyes meeting for a fleeting moment before they all make a plan. No says anything more on the topic as it falls, their plan set for later in the day.

As the time rolls around for dinner, no one sees any sign of Clarke; which they expected. And so the plan is made. Everyone bands together and leaves the dining hall to find Clarke and handle this matter head on.  As a group. Raven leads the way to sky box in search of Clarke, her old cell was empty, as were many others they've found she's drawn in as well. They each spilt up in search of her before meeting back in the hall, no on able to find her anywhere. They nearly leave sky box when a flash of blonde coming around the corner, her hands have patches of charcoal over her skin with supplies in her hands.  She freezes and drops the new supplies she found as she sees everyone gathered in the hall, staring her way.

Raven steps forward while Clarke steps back, her eyes looking between each of the others as they emerge from the rooms around. She's confused, and slightly panicked, that much Raven can see, so she reaches out a hand and takes her friend in her own before she could use the moment and run. Another figure appears close behind her, but she doesn't have to look to know it was Roan. Even as his hand is gently places on her lower back for support. Clarke squints as she looks between the pair, nearly pulling away before Raven speaks. 

"You wanted to stay, but we made you come with us." Raven steps close to Clarke, her hand resting gently atop her shoulder. "You didn't leave him behind because you wanted to, Clarke. But if we hadn't pulled you away you would have died."

A moment is all it takes before the woman realizes what was happening. She takes in the faces of her friends before they land on the one standing in front of her, scoffing lightly. "At least it would have been worth it." The blonde mumbles.

"And what if the nightblood solution worked?" Roan says. "If you had stayed behind and died he would have had to live with that."

"And if he's dead?" Clarke counters.

"Then we would have lost you both." Monty reasons. "I know it's hard, and it's sucks losing someone you love. But we can get through this, YOU can get past this. Some days it seems impossible not to think about them. I think of Jasper and my parents everyday." At this Clarke looks down at her shoes, her heart pulling in her chest for her friend. "It doesn't get any easier, though, we just learn to live with what we've lost and... Live on for them. Show them that their sacrifice wasn't for nothing."

"That's easier said than done, Monty." She croaks, blinking away the tears that threaten to spill. Monty steps forward as he engulfs when woman in front of him, holding her tighter as she finally caves and returns the hug.

"I know. But you're not alone, Clarke. We're all here for you."

When they pull away Clarke wipes away her tears. She looks up around them and sees Emori and Murphy smiling in support, Harper by Monty side to give her a hug. Then Raven and Roan joint at the hip. They all take turns giving her a hug beside Murphy who gives her a supportive thumbs up. Roan simply smirks. Raven notices and shoves him but he doesn't budge.

"Why don't we go a few rounds of kicking his ass instead of the supportive mushy crap?" Raven challenges as she points to the man tree standing next to her. Clarke chuckles and looks at the mechanic, a smile on her face.

"You're on."

"I never agreed to this." Roan starts, backing away from the two woman.

"You're right, you didn't. But either way you're getting you're ass kicked." The brunette states, no questions asked.

Confused Roan looks between the two, then to the others. All they can do is hold in their laughter. His only warning? Murphy's mumbled 'run.'  The grounder doesn't believe he should, but he's seen Raven when she's angry, Clarke as well. And given the look in their eyes? He should listen to the cockroach. And so he runs.

Author's Note: I have one chapter left to write but this story is nearly finished! And just in time because my college courses start tomorrow 0.0 I will publish each as often as possible, but since classes start this week I may have to post chapter 9 this Saturday, maybe even post chapter 10 on Sunday, depending how the week goes. So here is another chapter to make up for this week!!

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