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"GO! GO! GO! GO!"

"what are we voting?"
"umm i don't want build mart. ever. thank you. otherwise doesn't matter"
"hurry. throw the chicken!"



yeah, we didn't do too hot on that game


"okay, so we'll do good. let's get captain the win. we'll come back"


this fucking rocket is going to kill me. how am i supposed to do this. I'm not going to finish. okay you can do this.
i fell again. and again. why is this so hard? shit. wait why am i shaking. stop shaking. oh no. yes. YES. i finished. almost didn't make it but it is okay i did it. im still shaking. why can't i stop. i sat on the chair, looking down on my shaking hands.


i sat there not remembering the last two minutes. i stared at the screen. i wasn't feeling good. i didn't want to play minecraft right now. i wanted to sleep. to be in any other situaton than this.


i played okay. we didn't get any closer to the top. sapnap's team won sky battle. his team could actually win.


we weren't the best. niki got top 5. it was nice to see others perform well, but i had lost all my hope already to this fucking tournament.

we had a small break and i decided to go to the kitchen to get some fresh water.


i saw green wasn't doing too good. on tgttos i saw dream fall over and over again. i knew he was fustrated and the whole team probably was.

sap: hey is everything okay

greg: umm yeah im good, we are just little underperforming, dream has quite a lot of pressure on him

sap:oh okay

i talked to dream before mcc that he should just try to be as calm as possible. easier said than done i guess. soon the break started and i found dream at the kitchen leaning to the sink.

"you good?"
"well does the score look like it?"
"there's more than the score in this world, do you feel okay?"
"I've been shaking the whole time"
"hey take a few deep breaths okay. let's calm down a little"
"it's really frustrating to do so bad. i know i can do well"
"i know you can do better, everyone else knows it too. you are one of the best minecraft players. you don't need to proof it to anyone. one weak tournament is okay. don't put anymore pressure to yourself that you already have from others okay?"
"i guess"
"everyone has bad days, everyone is fustrated, but no one is blaming you"
"i know i just wanted to get the win for captain"
"hey you can't do that yourself and i promise he'll get one"
dream let a shaky breath and drank some water.
"try not to kill yourself with stressing"
"ill try. oh the 5 mins is probably over, we should get going"
"yep, try to enjoy now please"
"we'll see, and good luck, you can still win you've been popping off. im rooting for you, don't think about me too much, I'll survive"
"well thanks dude"

i left and saw that the next game was already starting. we made everyone wait for us. whoops.
"where the hell have you been?"
"sorry, sorry, im here now. let's play"


the rest of the games went fast for me. not a lot of memory from the past hour but it was okay. sapnap's words really helped. i wasn't shaking and i maybe put off some pressure. seeing his team on the dodgebolt made me extremely happy.

"go send positive vibes to sapnap"
i said and raided him and walked to his room.

dodgebolt started and

he died.

and died again.

he got an ace.

and he died.

they lost.


after a long and salty stream sapnap ended it and calmed down a little. not the best mcc for this household. he got up and walked to dreams room where he found dream laying in bed and scrolling trought twitter.

"do you want pizza, i could order"
dream looked up to the doorway to see sapnap.
"yeah, i need that right now"
"yep wasn't really our day today"
"yeah but next time we'll both win"

and so they did


sorry this is short and shit but i didn't want to post two similar ones in a row so yeah and i have few drafts what I like more so i let it slide

DreamNap [platonic] OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now